Walter Riso’s 5 Tips For Getting Away From Your Ex

Much has been written about how to get away from your ex; however, there is always the need to retrieve advice that leads to reflection and avoids obsessions.
Walter Riso's 5 tips to get away from your ex

When we spend a lot of time with a person, we create a special bond. This emotional bond can become so strong that we can’t let go even when it’s all over. But, when the time comes, how do you get away from your ex?

How to walk away from your ex according to Walter Riso

To get away from your ex try not to fight
It’s important to learn to walk away from your ex after a breakup.

While many relationships today are ephemeral, psychologist and best-selling author Walter Riso says there are a lot of people who struggle to face the end of a love cycle and are stuck for years in what could be, and wasn’t.

Finishing is not easy; at best, you part ways with good manners and maintain a cordial relationship. However, you always have to face the blow of loss, because we are the ones who have stopped loving, or because our partner did.

Who is Walter Laughter

Walter Riso is a renowned Italian psychologist with nearly 30 years of work in clinical psychology. He alternates his work as a psychotherapist with the exercise of the university chair, carrying out research in clinical practice and scientific publications, and psychological dissemination.

He has published 25 books, including technical and publicity texts. His works have been translated into more than 12 languages, some of them are Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Catalan, Greek, Slovenian and English. Among his most outstanding books are the following:

  • In love or enslaved
  • let go without anesthesia
  • love or depend
  • Fall in love with you even
  • The art of being flexible
  • love and don’t suffer
  • highly dangerous loves
  • Love or addiction?
  • I said goodbye, and now, how do I forget you .

Do you know how to get away from your ex?

When a relationship ends, we go through different stages. Sometimes we are attacked by the desire to see her again until we understand that we must leave that person. Follow these tips from Walter Riso and learn how to get away from your ex.

1. Remove it from social media

2. Avoid talking about him or her

While sharing your pain with people you trust can help, don’t let it be part of most of your everyday conversations. Distract yourself with other matters.

3. Build a new life project

It is crucial that you invest time reviewing your old goals and building new ones. This way, you will feel your ex farther and farther away, and the emotional freedom you had abandoned.

4. Don’t look for it

Dignity must be above all. Falling into appeals, humiliation or harassment of your ex partner will not only diminish the chances of a healthy separation, but it will also increase a feeling of self-deficiency.

5. Don’t idealize it

One of the capital errors that prevents us from moving away is idealization. We often do this because we need to justify our ego needs by worshiping the other. It is recommended to identify the distortions and therefore look at reality as it is.

How to walk away from your ex: hope is an issue

To get away from your ex it's good that the two are in agreement
To know how to get away from your ex, you must first see if you still have hope.

According to Walter Riso, one of the most frequent obstacles when it comes to staying away from an ex partner is “hope”. While initially positive because it encourages action and perseverance, when it comes to a breakup, this great virtue can become your worst enemy.

Although there is hope, it is impossible to get away from this person, or at least from their memory, which, in emotional matters, is equally limiting. Fear of the pain of loss can cause our affective perceptions to be altered, and hope is maintained, despite evident signs of disinterest on the part of the other person.

On the other hand, many people form attachment-based bonds ; they are afraid of being emotionally alone or they generate low self-esteem, and they believe that no one else will love them. With these premises, distance becomes even more difficult.

When a couple breaks up, they are more likely to suffer, and grief causes them to fall into a vicious circle. If this is the case for you, apply these 5 tips from Walter Riso on how to get away from your ex, and get out of this situation reinforced. And if they don’t work for you, remember that you can always see a psychologist if you need help.


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