Wake Up With Swollen Eyes? 5 Quick Remedies!

If your eyes become puffy there are different home remedies that can help to relieve them. In addition, it is essential to change certain habits to prevent further redness and inflammation.
Do you wake up with swollen eyes?  5 quick remedies!

When we wake up with swollen and inflamed eyes, it’s a real nightmare, especially when we have to go to work. Also, as hard as we try, there seems to be no makeup that works.

So learn how to solve this common problem using natural ingredients.

How to avoid waking up with puffy eyes?

Woman who cannot avoid bags and dark circles

Sometimes we wake up with swollen eyelids, for example, spending the night crying, sleeping late or having spent the night studying. However,  if this happens to you regularly, it may be due to unhealthy habits.

That’s why, below, we’ll show you some tips to avoid swollen eyes in the morning.

1. Hydrate yourself well

The famous two liters of water a day is not a whim that has popped into someone’s mind. This is the minimum amount your body needs to hydrate your organs, cells and skin. Also, we recommend that you  reduce the amount of salt in your meals. That way you won’t have fluid retention, which causes swollen bags and eyes.

2. Consume more fruits and vegetables

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential for the whole body to enjoy good health. Furthermore, it is also reflected in the health of the skin, as well as possible inflammation.

  • So choose foods with diuretic properties, such  as beets and tomatoes.
  • There are also drinks that can help eliminate toxins, such as green tea.

3. Sleep well

One of the main causes of puffy eyes is lack of sleep. Therefore, we advise you to sleep for eight hours at a time every night and to take a short half-hour nap, if possible, after lunch.

However, if it is difficult for you to sleep during the night, you can practice some relaxation techniques or even resort to teas. Valerian and chamomile have sedative effects. Also, you can find concoctions at health food stores to get you to sleep well.

4. Do not drink alcohol or smoke

Smoking and drinking, these two habits are harmful to health in general and to the skin in particular. Therefore, it is essential that you avoid its consumption or, at least, reduce it as much as possible.

If you smoke or drink alcohol several times a week, you are more likely to wake up with puffy eyes.

5. Remove makeup before bed

Even if you are very tired and don’t feel like it, this habit will allow you to have smoother, younger and brighter skin. Also, it will help to say goodbye to eye bags!

If you feel that they are already reddened or have allergies, do not rub the area. Friction can increase the chances of swelling.

woman taking off her makeup

If you wake up with swollen eyes, try these remedies

In addition to having healthy habits, sometimes there are things that are beyond our control. So if you woke up with swollen eyes, you can use these home remedies with immediate effects:

1. Ice cubes

When the eyes start to swell, placing something very cool between the eyelids and the eye area will help reduce inflammation. Now beware: applying ice cubes directly to the skin can be dangerous and cause burns. So it is better to wrap them in a cloth.

You can also  wet a piece of cotton fabric in a container of ice water  and place it over your eyes for 10 minutes.

2. Cucumber slices

This vegetable is one of the main allies in beauty, which is why it is present in many creams and treatments. Cucumber has a good amount of water, which instantly hydrates the skin. On the other hand, it also provides acids such as caffeic and ascorbic, which prevent the accumulation of fluid in the area.

To use this remedy with cucumber:

  • Just cut a few slices and place them over your eyes until they reach room temperature.
  • The effect will be even better if you store them in the fridge or put them in the freezer for a few minutes before applying them.

3. Tea bags

Tea has many properties when we drink it – because it is a good diuretic – but it is also possible to use it externally to enjoy its benefits. It also contains caffeine and theine, so it constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling. Furthermore, it also acts to prevent reddening.

  • To apply it, prepare some tea as usual, but don’t throw away the bag. When it has cooled down or is at room temperature, place it over your eyes.
  • Also, you can put it in the freezer and have it ready when you need it.
    We recommend using black, green or chamomile tea.

4. Try using potatoes if you wake up with puffy eyes

If you wake up with swollen eyes try putting potatoes

With a power similar to cucumbers,  raw potatoes have a good amount of water and are very moisturizing. So if you woke up with swollen eyes and have nothing else on hand, potatoes are a good choice… Enjoy their properties!

To prepare this remedy you should:

  • Cut the potato into thin slices and place them over the eyelids or below the eyes.
  • Then let them act for 10 minutes or until they reach room temperature.

5. Olive oil

The many skin properties of olive oil can help. In this case, you can use it as a preventive measure, every night before bed.

Do as follows to take advantage of the medicine:

  • Put a few drops on your fingers and  massage in a circular motion until the oil is completely absorbed.
  • Other options are almond or castor oils, with great moisturizing powers.

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