Vegetables That Help You Lose Weight

The effectiveness of these plants will be much greater if we combine them with a balanced diet, two liters of water a day and regular physical activity.
Vegetables that help you lose weight

All vegetables and greens are essential in diets to lose weight or to maintain the ideal weight.

But, in addition, some of these plants help you lose weight faster, thanks to their specific properties to eliminate fat and fluids.

Find out which are the main vegetables to build your daily menu.


Green leafy vegetables, lettuce in particular, are foods rich in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium.

Lettuce contains a lot of fiber and is highly satiating, so it’s convenient to combine it with other foods on a daily basis.

In addition, lettuce has relaxing effects, which helps to avoid the anxiety that can occur during weight-loss diets. It is possible to consume fresh lettuce in salads; as well as cooking it, in soups or purees.


Onion is an excellent option to be included in all types of dishes if you want to lose weight; as it helps eliminate fluids as well as prevents constipation and controls blood sugar levels.

If you have no problems digesting it, you can eat it raw in salads or as a garnish. As well as in creams, over the grill or also to make a treatment based on onion broths; which we recommend especially for people who suffer from significant fluid retention or want to clean their kidneys a little more.

onion in the diet to lose weight


With the heat comes cucumber, a vegetable (or vegetable, as many also classify) with a high water content and few calories;  so it is ideal to satiate your appetite instead of consuming other foods that make you more fat.

Eat cucumber in salads or as a garnish. Also, if the cucumber is soft and organic, you can also eat it with its skin.

A traditional Greek recipe that can be prepared as a delicious and quick appetizer consists of: cutting the cucumber into strips and serving it together with a yogurt sauce, garlic powder, salt and some aromatic herb. The combination of the cucumber dipped in the sauce is delicious.

You can also prepare a simple green gazpacho by mixing cucumber, parsley and fresh basil in a blender with a clove of garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and a little salt. A very refreshing and diuretic drink.

Cucumber menu for slimming


Broccoli is a vegetable with many health-benefiting properties.

In this case, because it has low concentrations of sodium and few calories; as well as being very high in fiber, it is ideal for weight loss diets.

This vegetable helps to fight the accumulation of fat and also if consumed daily helps to protect the body from various diseases, one of which is cancer.

We recommend not cooking the broccoli too much, so that its properties are preserved. An indicator will be the color of the green, this should remain green. Another indicator will be the texture that should be slightly crunchy.

broccoli in the diet to lose weight


Garlic is one of the medicinal foods that we should consume daily. Furthermore, it is essential not only for health in general, but also for losing weight; since it has the property of eliminating fat deposits, fluidizing and cleaning the blood.

To benefit from the properties of garlic, it must be consumed raw, performing the famous Tibetan garlic cure.

If garlic is expensive to eat raw, it can be tasted well rubbed into whole-wheat toast, which will soften its effects on the stomach. You can also opt for capsules or pills that are sold in pharmacies and health food stores.

How to cook these foods to lose weight?

If you want to lose weight, you should always avoid fried foods, and instead choose to steam, grill, oven or season with olive oil.

In addition, salt should not be overused and it is important to always choose sea salt over table (or refined) salt.

Finally, it is possible to use some spices that help to further enhance the slimming effects of vegetables. For example, if we use spices such as cayenne pepper or ginger, in addition to giving food a spicy and original touch, we will also be speeding up metabolism and increasing energy expenditure.

If we have problems digesting some of these vegetables or some of them cause gas, the best thing to do is to add a little cumin or fennel when preparing.

Furthermore, it is also possible to season it with a little lemon juice or a few drops of apple cider vinegar, which help to improve digestion and burn fat.

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