Top 4 Cereals For Breakfast

Oats allow us to face the day with more energy, thanks to the vitamins it provides. Furthermore, as it is rich in fiber, it favors intestinal transit and keeps us feeling full.
The 4 best cereals for breakfast

Cereals are an indispensable part of our diet. So why not include them daily for breakfast?

There are people who prefer to avoid them because they think they have too many calories, too many sugars. So is it true that cereals can make us gain weight?

No, it’s not true. Cereals are ideal for breakfast. Eaten with balance and together with a varied diet, they bring the energy needed to start the day without putting on an ounce of weight.

Discover all the information below.

Why is it necessary to include cereal in breakfast?

Are you passionate about cereals? So don’t worry, consume them with balance and you’ll see how your health will improve. Take note of all the benefits of cereals:

  • They are rich in multiple vitamins and minerals. Thus, they are perfect for both adults and children.
  • They provide energy, so they are wonderful to start the day.
  • They are part of a balanced and healthy diet. Properly consumed, they allow us to regulate weight.
  • They are rich in carbohydrates and proteins.
  • They contain fiber, so they are perfect for preventing constipation.
  • Allow to balance the blood sugar level.
  • They take care of our intestinal health.
  • Cereals are ideal for treating digestive and stomach problems.

As you already know, there are different ways to consume cereals: seeds, breads, flours and the classic breakfast cereals that many food companies sell with other foods.

This is where you should be especially careful because not all cereals will be equally healthy:

  • Avoid cereals that contain coloring. They are very attractive to children, but are not recommended.
  • Avoid sugar-fortified cereals.
  • Many contain chocolate or nuts. If you want to lose weight, be aware that these are not recommended. Cereals of the “Muesli” type, for example, tend to have a very high caloric content. In this way, consume them with balance.
  • Cereals with chocolate or honey can also contain a lot of sugar.

The best cereals for breakfast

We just got up and spent between 6 and 8 hours without eating. Our bodies need nutrients and energy to face the day.

So what are the best cereals to eat for breakfast? Find out below:

1. Whole rye

best cereals

Rye is one of the best cereals we can consume. In this case, we recommend, for example, a tasty rye toast smeared with plum, orange or blueberry jam (always without sugar).

Combined with a natural juice or any infusion, it is an excellent option. It’s both a nourishing and satisfying breakfast.

  • Rye provides us with a type of dietary fiber that is low in calories and much more fiber than whole wheat.
  • It is rich in vitamin A and folic acid.
  • Rye is ideal for cleaning our blood and for lowering so-called bad cholesterol.

2. Buckwheat or buckwheat

best cereals

You may not be familiar with this type of cereal, but it is one of the healthiest there are. We explain why:

  • Buckwheat or buckwheat is rich in linoleic acid (omega 3), minerals such as iron and copper, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and folic acid.
  • This cereal is famous mainly for its high content of magnesium, essential for the correct assimilation of calcium.
  • Buckwheat or buckwheat is also liver protector, helps the liver to synthesize vitamins and purify toxins.
  • This cereal activates our fat burning metabolism, eliminating toxins and regulating blood glucose.
  • Buckwheat lowers bad cholesterol.
  • This cereal is present in many types of bread. It can also be found in its natural form in health food stores and its cooking is similar to oatmeal.

3. The oats

best cereals

Oats are a must-have superfood in our diet. It is ideal for breakfast, accompanied, for example, with pieces of apple, strawberry or grapes.

Know that it is always best to buy instant-cooked oats. This way you can prepare your breakfast faster.

  • Oats are rich in vitamins and amino acids, ideal for taking care of the liver and heart.
  • It is very rich in fiber, which favors intestinal transit and prevents constipation.
  • Oats are suitable for people with diabetes.
  • It has a high protein content, perfect for regenerating our tissues.
  • Oats are rich in iodine, which allows us to properly take care of our thyroids.
  • Remember that oats are excellent for fighting bad cholesterol.

4. The barley

You can prepare excellent porridges with barley and fruit. You also have the option of buying bread with barley to be eaten for breakfast in a very healthy way.

  • Barley is one of the best cereals for completely lowering bad cholesterol. For this, it must be consumed for a month and always at breakfast.
  • The healthiest barley is whole or “pearl”. This barley is readily available in any health food store and is both healthy and tasty.

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