Tips For Creating The Best Looks For Work

Some jobs offer more freedom than others in terms of clothing. According to your possibilities, choose the clothes you like the most and feel comfortable in the office.
Tips for creating the best looks for work

Going to work is, for many women, an activity like any other that requires planning the clothes to be worn. If you don’t have to wear a uniform, choosing the best outfit for work is a very enjoyable activity. Here are some tricks and options for creating the best looks for the job.

It may seem silly, but  being comfortable and elegant contributes a lot to each person’s productivity. How are these factors related? Easy. An employee with self-confidence and good humor is much more productive at work than a dissatisfied worker with low self-esteem.

Clothing collaborates with these positive feelings that we experience. Without a doubt, looking in the mirror and feeling beautiful will make your day happen in a much more positive way. To achieve this, it is necessary that you explore the alternatives at your disposal and choose the best one according to your preferences.

How should I dress to go to work at the office?

woman working in office

Like all workplaces, an administrative position requires certain parameters that all employees must meet. You need to look for clothes according to the area in which you work. In other words, creating interesting work looks  doesn’t mean neglecting formalities.

To avoid misunderstandings, here are some considerations before choosing your outfit for the day:

  • Keep it professional. Sacrificing prestige to look better is not a big deal. Therefore, don’t wear clothes that are too daring or that draw too much attention due to the strong colors.
  • Don’t forget about comfort. This type of work involves spending hours sitting, and this is a central aspect of choosing your outfit. Try to select comfortable clothes, preferably loose ones.
  • Check the dress code. Many companies have one, so your chances of choosing may be limited.
  • Have criteria when choosing shoes. Like clothes, shoes should denote professionalism and seriousness. Preferably, bare toe shoes (such as sandals) and flashy shoes in general should be avoided.
  • Avoid excessive prints and combine them with clothes that are a little more sober and have a single color.
  • If you have employees who respond to you, bold colors and multicolored fabrics will give you more authority.

Tips to end the boredom of looks for work

Once you have thought through the previous items, you will be ready to go to work always flawless. Here are some clothing options that cannot be missing from your wardrobe :

blue or black jeans

If you pair them with a blazer or closed shoes, they’ll give you an exceptional executive look (but cool at the same time). Furthermore,  jeans offer a multitude of combinations: light shirts, striped shirts and accessories  can match a good pair of dark pants. Avoid those that have holes and tears.

White shirt

White shirt hanging on the door

This piece is basic and cannot be missing from the closet. It will help you create thousands of combinations. Also, if you choose a fabric like chiffon, this turns out to be a very elegant option.

It doesn’t have to be just white. Neutral colored shirts, such as light salmon or navy blue, or black shirts – to a lesser extent – are equally effective to match.

The good thing about adding brighter colored blazers or jackets – though not by much – is that they improve the image in cold climates. Remember that it is during these months that the skin is generally whiter and, therefore, it needs supplements to revitalize it.

Leather jacket

Woman wearing leather jacket and hat.

Thanks to the new “ lady like” trend , leather can be used in the office. The same goes for clothing with leather combined with other materials; they are excellent for breaking the sameness of looks for work. However, some details need to be considered.

As this piece has been related to more informal clothes in recent decades, it  is necessary to style them for use at work. Like? You can pair it with a skirt without zippers and discreet but professional blouses.

Accessories are also important: watches, necklaces, bracelets and bags will help you. So you can mix a working style with a ‘rebel’ component that will make you look very elegant.

tube-type skirts

You can wear it along with blouses and blazers to get a totally professional and stylish outfit. Neutral colors are best suited; you can add minimal color details to bring the look to life.

If you are going to wear this type of skirt, it is advisable that the shoes be the same color, or at least similar in color. The blouse should be tucked inside the skirt and the accessories will be nice increments, as long as they’re not overdone.

closed shoes

Sandals or shoes that show the feet reduce formality. However, in companies with greater freedom of dress, they can be used as long as the formality is preserved in the rest of the clothing. It all depends on the area you work in and the image you want to convey to your colleagues.

And the dresses?

In the case of dresses, the most advisable option is to choose those models that have cuts at the waist. Nothing very fair on the body. They look great, but they’re not ideal for the job.

It is best to wear loose-fitting dresses, preferably with sleeves or at least three-quarter sleeves. As for the length, the knee is the ideal measure.

With all the options available today, it’s hard to choose. However, it’s all a matter of knowing your body well, respecting certain rules and daring to create the best looks for work. Use your creativity and create combinations to look presentable and fashionable at the same time!

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