The Healthiest Foods ​​for Seniors

Foods recommended for the elderly are those whose nutritional quality helps to protect the intestinal flora and reduce inflammation. Which are they? Find out below.

With age, we run the risk of developing certain diseases; therefore, it is important to make some changes to your usual diet. The consumption of healthier foods for the elderly reduces the incidence of certain pathologies and the risk of age-specific health conditions.

We are going to introduce you to a series of foods that are essential in the eating plans of people in their old age. However, don’t forget that these people also need a varied diet. Also, regular exercise can help alleviate many of your illnesses.

Yogurt, one of the healthiest foods for seniors

In old age, the intestinal flora is very altered. Its diversity is reduced and its functionality is diminished. To smooth this process, regular consumption of yogurt and fermented milk is essential. In this way, a good amount of probiotics is supplied to the body, which will be responsible for populating the gastrointestinal tract.

The administration of this type of food in the elderly is associated with improved intestinal health and bone density, according to an article published in the journal Osteoporosis International.

However, not every type of yogurt is valid. It is necessary to choose those that are made with whole milk, but without added sugar.

Natural yogurt is a food recommended for the diet of the elderly. In general, it provides probiotics and helps in the care of the intestinal flora.

Apple to improve intestinal flora

Just as a supply of probiotics is needed, a portion of soluble fiber is also essential for restoring bacterial diversity.

The best food to fulfill this function is the apple. It has in its composition an interesting amount of pectin, dietary fiber capable of fermenting in the intestine.

As a result of this fermentation, it is possible to obtain short-chain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory capacity and selective growth of the intestinal flora, according to a study carried out in 2017.

An effective strategy when trying to restore microbiota might be to eat applesauce and yogurt together. Soluble fiber protects bacteria against heartburn, allowing more of them to reach the intestines with the ability to colonize.

Oily fish twice a week for seniors

Another essential food for elderly people is oily fish. This type of product has a significant amount of omega 3 fatty acids, with high anti-inflammatory capacity.

Its regular intake is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular risk, which is one of the leading causes of death in the first world. However, it is important to choose small fish.

Larger ones may contain significant levels of mercury, a metal with neurotoxic potential. Also, you should avoid frying this type of food. Frying destroys omega 3 acids and transforms them into trans-type lipids, with an inflammatory capacity and a health risk.

Oily fish should be present in the diet of the elderly at least twice a week. The preferred cooking methods are grilled, roasted or steamed. Your accompaniment should be based on a variety of vegetables rather than carbohydrate-rich foods.

Oily fish provide interesting doses of omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, they are recommended for the diet of the elderly.

Be sure to read: 5 plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids

The importance of healthier foods for seniors

Elderly people go through a series of physiological and hormonal changes. To alleviate the effects of these changes, it is necessary to apply variations to your usual diet. The inclusion of foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity is essential.

One of the changes in old age that most worries specialists is the loss of microflora diversity. This can lead to a deficit in the assimilation of certain nutrients, as well as a decrease in the production of short-chain fatty acids.

To counteract this effect, it is advisable to increase the consumption of fermented dairy products and soluble fiber. In addition, it is important to include a complement of probiotics.

To keep systemic inflammation under control, it is necessary to increase consumption of oily fish. These foods contain omega 3 fatty acids in their composition.

Its anti-inflammatory effect is essential at this stage of life. However, you should avoid eating large fish frequently, as their mercury content can be harmful.

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