The Benefits Of Hazelnuts And Their Nutrients

Whenever consumed in moderation, hazelnuts are a very healthy food. At the same time that they add flavor to the dishes, they enhance them nutritionally. Learn more about the great benefits they bring to health.
The benefits of hazelnuts and their nutrients

Whenever consumed raw, you can enjoy the benefits of hazelnuts. In addition, they contain important nutrients for health, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and healthy fats.

At the same time that they add flavor to the dishes, they enhance them nutritionally. All of this explains the great health benefits that hazelnuts provide. So it’s a great idea to include them in your diet.

However, it is good to eat this dried fruit in moderation, due to  its high caloric value. In this way, its consumption should be rationed.

Nutritional value of hazelnuts

Vitamins and minerals


Hazelnut has an important amount of micronutrients, such as vitamins A, B (B1, B2 and B9), C and E.  It also provides minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese.


The flavonoids contained in this dried fruit are capable of improving circulation, as well as promoting brain health.

Therefore, the simple act of consuming a handful of hazelnuts in a snack can provide great health benefits.

healthy fats

Artery olesterol plaques

This dried fruit  has a rich amount of fats that help keep the heart healthy.

This is because most fats present are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated; that is, healthy. On the other hand, saturated fats are potentially harmful to the body.

In addition, hazelnuts are a valuable source of omega 3 fatty acids and oleic acid, which help lower blood cholesterol levels.

All of this explains its high calorie content; as well as the recommendation for its moderate consumption.


Although less than fats, raw hazelnuts also provide vegetable protein.

These  are sources of physical energy for the body and mental alertness for the brain. Furthermore, they help repair bone cells, muscle cells, as well as damaged organs.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the body

hazelnut milk
  • Some 20 hazelnuts contain approximately 6 grams of carbohydrates, of which 3 grams come from dietary fiber. In this way, they can  help reduce the risk of suffering certain chronic conditions, such as constipation, type 2 diabetes, disease and cancer. 
  • Since they are very caloric, it is recommended to consume only a handful of hazelnuts, about 3 times a week. In the case of people with low weight or eating disorders, it would be a very effective complement,  thanks to its healthy fat content and the rest of the benefits.
  • They help to reduce the risk of suffering high cholesterol, blood clots and heart disease,  due to the plant sterols, omega 3 fatty acids and L-arginine they contain.
  • Hazelnut milk is now widely consumed, especially by vegetarians and vegans. Tasty and very nutritious, this drink is, for many people, a healthy substitute for milk of animal origin.

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