The 5 Most Common Signs Of Autism

The main consequence of autism is the inability to communicate and establish social relationships. It is important to recognize the most common signs of autism and for an expert doctor to first diagnose the problem and then find a solution.
The 5 Most Common Signs of Autism

Autism is defined as a  neurobiological developmental disorder or autism spectrum disorder  (ASD) that usually manifests itself within the first three years of the individual’s life and will last throughout his or her lifetime.

In itself, the main consequence of this disorder is the  inability to communicate and establish social relationships. Although it depends on your condition, it is possible that a person’s impediment to development is weaker or stronger. The types of childhood autism are:

  • Autism or Kanner Syndrome : There is a limited emotional connection or empathy with others.
  • Asperger’s Syndrome : patients have high intelligence, poor psychomotor coordination, lack of empathy and deficits in social relationships. They don’t understand the irony or the double meaning of language.
  • Heller’s Syndrome : similar to the previous one, as it affects language, social function and motor skills, with the difference that the individual has a sudden and regressive character.
  • Generalized developmental disorder unspecified : heterogeneous symptoms. Social reciprocity deficit, serious communication problems, peculiar, restricted and stereotyped interests and activities.

This disorder and its variants are diagnosed in  1 in 68 individuals and 1 in 42 boys  (it is much more common than in girls), making it much more common than cancer, diabetes or AIDS.

It is usually the parents who are made aware of the disease. They start by noticing strange behaviors in their children, communication problems and loss of skills.

It is very difficult for parents to know that their child has been diagnosed with autism. Put yourself in your shoes for a moment! Imagine for a second the worry, despair and helplessness of not being able to do anything for him.

That’s why immediate medical assistance is essential to make the most of existing therapies or treatments that help children to live as normal a life as possible in relation to their development.

For all of the above, it’s that at MCS we’ve decided to make a short list of the most common signs of autism so that any parent will immediately see a health specialist for their son or daughter.

5 Most Common Signs of Autism

1. Repetitive behaviors and attachment to objects

baby showing autism sign

This is one of the key signs to know that a child is not acting his age. They seem to be immersed in their own world and tend to  organize and rearrange things from front to back, over and over again for a long time. 

Attachment to things or objects is common in children with autism and is one of the most common signs of autism. Wherever they go, they always carry with them some object considered important to them, and if someone touches them, they alter excessively.

2. Little empathy

Empathy is an aspect of a person’s character that makes us put ourselves in the shoes of others. Think about what others feel and what they are going through. Well, this is one of the aspects that people with autism spectrum disorder don’t have.

They are unable to empathize with another person  and this hinders their social skills, behavior and social integration at a high level, making their interpersonal relationships almost nil.

3. Little or great sensitivity to sounds

boy showing signs of autism

Some of these individuals  are highly sensitive to external stimuli such as sound. When this happens, the boy or girl starts screaming, jumping, running and covering their ears repeating nonsense words until they are calm, so situations of stress or conflict can affect them three times more because they don’t know how to deal with them .

On the contrary, there are others who don’t react to these stimuli, besides, when they are called by their names, they don’t respond, it’s as if they didn’t hear. They don’t look around to see where the sound is coming from and  aren’t surprised by any noise or loud sound.

4. Speech difficulties

Some children who are diagnosed with autism do not develop speech correctly, so they have difficulty with any type of language, whether oral, written (when older), or passwords. They just babble strangely. This is another of the most common signs of autism.

They become abstracted in their world and  are unable to manifest what ails them or bothers them. There are therapies for the development of speech in children who suffer from this disorder. It is ideal for an expert physician to first diagnose the problem and then find a solution.

Do you want to know more? Read: How to Succeed in Your Children’s Emotional Education

5. Frequent irritation

boy showing signs of autism

You must understand that a child with normal neurobiological development, by himself, does not know how to face or deal with uncomfortable situations of stress or anger. Now imagine for a second what it would be like for someone suffering from autism!

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