Risks Of Mending One Relationship Into Another

Starting a new relationship right after ending the old one is not a good thing. This can cause a lot of pain for everyone involved.
Risks of mending one relationship into another

To mend one relationship into another, is it about falling in love again or is it the fear of loneliness? There are people who repeat this pattern of behavior and dare not leave a relationship without having a new company. In this article, we’ll talk about how harmful this behavior can be.

Is it possible to start a new relationship without breaking up with the current partner first?

There are those who, in a relationship crisis, do not have the power to take the initiative to separate. They remain in an unhappy bond and believe that the only way out is for another love to appear.

Getting to know someone and putting your energies into this new passion is, for the moment, the ideal solution. Emotions are mixed in the two relationships and there is likely to be a lot of confusion.

Unconsciously, what happens is that we try to resolve the previous “failure” with changes when starting a new relationship. In this context, expectations are complicated and do not fit the emotional reality.

Mending one relationship into another to hide some personal fears

Without being able to take on true feelings, the defense mechanism is to focus on a new relationship without breaking up with another. A separation involves going through different stages, although it is preferable to do it alone.

At first, physical separation occurs, but balancing the emotions again takes time. In particular, a period of mourning to heal wounds and prepare again for an interaction.

The fear of loneliness makes them not go through that time and hide their previous feelings with a new love. The most common is that the time comes when an internal crisis necessary to heal itself occurs.

Some consequences

1. Become unfaithful

Starting a new relationship without ending the previous one can cause infidelity

If there is no agreement between the two about the possibility of having other parallel adventures, this falls into infidelity. A betrayal of that being’s trust was loved for a long time. It’s breaking a contract you made yourself.

Perhaps, while you are spending a moment with the person who has come to replace you, you feel happy. However, when they are alone or with their base partner, feelings of guilt arise. You must live in secret, start lying and not value anyone the way they deserve.

2. Difficulties with self-esteem

Although they feel calmer and more loved when they receive expressions of love from their lovers, they have doubts. The current life they lead changes their priorities and the changes can be fatal.

They think they have turned into people they never wanted to be, disloyal and insecure. After all, their values ​​are deeply touched and they are uncomfortable with the idea of ​​harming others. Likewise, they are very likely to take responsibility for the suffering of both partners by sharing their love.

3. When mending one relationship into another, the stress increases

Starting a new relationship without ending the previous one can cause stress.

It is sometimes difficult to lead a quiet life in a relationship, so imagine with two? It is already known that there is a crisis with the first relationship and the discussions are exhausting.

The truth is that, at some point, the new romance will also increase your pressures. Collections for more time together, sharing special dates or requests to formalize the relationship.

Far from being happy, the stress of a parallel life cruelly affects your whole being. Furthermore, it is possible that all social and work interactions feel impaired.

Will mend one relationship into another be a failure?

Starting a new relationship without ending the previous one can be a failure.

Every situation is particular and different. Likewise, it is advisable to have a healthy ending and spend time with yourself. Get to know yourself, give yourself some tastes and enjoy your own space and time.

Slowly calming the anguish created by a breakup to be well prepared for a future love story is the easiest way to get over a breakup and get ready again for love. Facing fears allows for interesting emotional growth for other challenges.

Furthermore, it is a way of demonstrating that it is whole people who choose the truth as a shield. Thus, each person receives the value he has as such.

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