Relieve Sinus Symptoms

With simple measures, you can alleviate the discomfort caused by sinusitis.
Alleviate Sinus Symptoms

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses, which are the cavities found on both sides of the nose.

Even though it is a respiratory problem that affects the face region, sinusitis also causes many other discomforts.

Nasal congestion, headaches and a feeling of heavy pressure on the face are just a few.

A good portion of the population suffers from this disease, which can appear due to poorly cured colds, problems in the anatomical formation of the nose and even allergies.

Important Tips

dangers of cigarette

Everyone knows that smoking is very harmful to health. And smoking is harmful because our noses are very sensitive to smoke.

The toxic compounds present in cigarette smoke affect the ciliary beat, which is the movement made by those responsible for draining secretions from the nasal cavity.

For this reason, smoke delays cleaning and increases secretion buildup.

Doctor breaking cigarette in half

Benefits of water

Water is essential to reduce our body’s secretions. When sinusitis is caused by viruses and bacteria, you may have fever as one of the symptoms.

By increasing sweating, you automatically lose water. Replacing the amount lost is important, as much of our body is made of water.

Jar and glass of water

nasal wash

With this practice, you considerably decrease the likelihood of having breathing problems, as well as alleviating headaches.

For those who suffer from sinusitis, washing becomes practically mandatory. When washing, the secretions that remain in the nose become more liquid, facilitating their elimination.

It is recommended to use saline solution in spray mode in order to avoid product contamination.

Get away from the air conditioning

Air conditioning, despite relieving the heat, brings with it some problems. It reduces air humidity, sometimes drastically reduces the temperature and even concentrates pollutants, if not properly maintained.

For this reason, avoid air conditioning whenever possible.

steam inhalation

When the nasal mucous membranes dry out, many impurities accumulate in this region. This can lead to the proliferation of microorganisms that can lead to infection and sinusitis.

But when you inhale the steam, the airway clears and the amount of phlegm decreases.

Heads up

All these tips are just to alleviate and prevent the symptoms caused by sinusitis. But it is always important to consult an otolaryngologist even if the symptoms are alleviated with the tips.

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