Relieve Sciatica With 5 Natural Remedies

In addition to following specialist advice, massages with ginger oil can be of great help to us when it comes to relieving the pain caused by sciatica.
Relieve Sciatica Pain With 5 Natural Remedies

Sciatica refers to  pain that extends along the sciatic nerve, crossing the lower back, the glutes, until it reaches each leg.

Symptoms arise when, due to a herniated disc, deformation, or injury, a part of the nerve is compressed or irritated.

As a result, an inflammatory reaction is  triggered , which is often accompanied by pain, numbness and difficulty in moving the affected leg.

Although the disease has different degrees of intensity, it has become  one of the main causes of work-related absence among the middle-aged population.

That’s why, in addition to conventional treatments, some therapeutic remedies of natural origin are recommended to help control it.

In this opportunity we want to pass on some relevant data about the disease and  5 homemade solutions to speed up your recovery.

Causes of sciatica

Sciatic nerve pain, popularly known as sciatica, is caused by the compression and inflammation that cause herniated discs in the spine or excessive bone growth in the vertebrae

It is often the result of poor effort,  injury, or deterioration caused by illnesses such as diabetes.

Risk factors

  • overweight and obesity
  • pick up very heavy things
  • Spinal changes by age
  • Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle
  • remain seated for a long time

sciatica symptoms

woman with sciatica

A sensation of tenderness and pain along the course of the sciatic nerve  is the main symptom of this health problem.

In general, you can notice others like:

  • Constant pain in the buttocks or in one of the legs (rarely occurs in both legs)
  • Pain that intensifies when sitting
  • Burning or tingling down the leg
  • Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg
  • Throbbing pain that makes it difficult to stand or walk

Natural Remedies for Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. However, in a complementary way, there are also  home remedies that help to achieve a feeling of relief.

1. Onion

onion relieves sciatica

While not the most pleasant smell,  the anti-inflammatory and relaxant compounds in onion can help reduce sciatic nerve irritation.

How to use it?

  •  Cut an onion in half and, using the inside of one of the halves, massage in a gentle circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the operation 2 times a day, until you feel relief.

2. Cabbage leaves

The therapeutic properties of cabbage leaves  can be used as a natural tranquilizer for sciatica symptoms.

How to use them?

  • Heat several cabbage leaves and apply them to the painful areas.
  • Do the treatment for 10 minutes and, if considered necessary, repeat twice a day.

3. Ginger oil

Ginger oil relieves sciatica

Ginger oil has an active compound known as gingerol which, in addition to acting as an anti-inflammatory,  produces a feeling of warmth that helps reduce pain.

How to use?

  • Put a little ginger oil on your palms and rub, using gentle massage, over the areas affected by sciatica.
  • Do therapy for 8 or 10 minutes and rest.
  • Repeat every day until the pain heals.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains active ingredients that  help improve blood circulation  to facilitate the recovery process from pain caused by sciatic nerve damage.

How to use it?

  • Ingest a garlic clove on an empty stomach and repeat your consumption before bedtime.

5. Calendula oil

Calendula Oil Relieves Sciatica Pain

Popular for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula oil is an external medicinal product that helps to promote relief from various types of ailments.

Its use through massage improves circulation in the affected regions and, thanks to this,  reduces inflammation and movement difficulties.

How to use it?

  • Put some calendula oil along the area of ​​the sciatic nerve where you feel pain and do a gentle massage for 10 or 15 minutes.
  • Avoid massaging abruptly so as not to worsen the condition.
  • Repeat the remedy 2 times a day.

Seek the assistance of a professional physician to learn about other types of therapies.

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