Relaxing Teas That Will Help You Sleep

There are medications to eliminate anxiety and encourage sleep, but it is also true that some infusions of certain herbs can help us sleep and rest better and naturally.
Relaxing teas that will help you sleep

In this article, we will present five good examples of relaxing teas that will help you to harmonize sleep easily and sleep more soundly.

Nowadays, problems like anxiety, stress and insomnia are very frequent due to the lifestyle we lead, the responsibilities at home, at work and other factors.

5 relaxing teas that will help you sleep

1. Passionflower Tea (Passion Flower)

Passionflower tea is an excellent natural remedy that combats anxiety, helps eliminate stress, and acts as a mild sedative. That’s why the passion flower infusion will help you sleep better.

It is a very common flower that can be found in many health food stores.

Some people say that Passionflower tastes not very pleasant. But this can be solved by adding a little honey or concentrated fruit juice to the infusion.

2. Chamomile tea

It is one of the best known natural remedies for insomnia problems. It can be found in any supermarket or natural food store and has a very pleasant taste.

You can also use the tea bags in the bathtub to get a delicious and relaxing chamomile bath.

relaxing teas

3. Valerian tea

Valerian tea has been popularized as a very effective remedy against insomnia. Several scientific studies have shown promising results, although the factor by which valerian helps to sleep is unclear.

Nowadays, it is easy to find valerian in supermarkets, herbalists or on the internet. Valerian infusion has a better effect on insomnia when consumed over a period of time.

Hence, it is an ideal treatment for chronic insomnia problems. 

4. Tilo tea

This is another of the famous natural remedies with a relaxing and tranquilizing effect. This product is available in almost all supermarkets and natural food stores.

Have a cup of tilo tea at bedtime and you’ll relax thanks to its vasodilating effect. That way you can fall asleep more quickly.

If one cup is not enough, you can drink up to four cups a day, distributed at different times of the day. But do not exceed this dose because excess tylus can have a toxic effect.

5. Kava tea

Kava tea has been the subject of many scientific studies in which its anxiolytic effects have been proven. It is a safe, completely natural product and is not addictive.

To prepare the infusion, it is important to get good quality kava, that is, pure kava because what is found in some stores or supermarkets may not be sufficiently concentrated to obtain the desired effect.

For eliminating anxiety, kava tea is a good ally at bedtime.

Finally, remember that if you have trouble sleeping that persist even after you’ve tried different techniques or natural remedies like these relaxing teas, you should see your doctor.

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