Pregnancy Foods You Should Include

Foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid and proteins are very beneficial for the stage of pregnancy. Discover the most recommended ones for your diet.
Pregnancy Foods You Should Include

While the diet may vary for each pregnant woman, there are certain pregnancy foods that should not be missed. Their high content of high quality nutrients, added to their energy value, make them essential in the usual diet.

On the other hand, its properties help alleviate the discomforts of pregnancy and, in turn, control food cravings without adding too many calories. While it’s true that caloric needs increase at this stage, it’s not an excuse to overeat.

Next, we’ll share a brief list of 8 foods you can add to your diet if you’re pregnant. However, it should be clarified that they are a simple nutritional supplement, as the eating plan must contain all the nutrients.

Pregnancy Foods You Should Include

However, so that there are no problems with overweight, cholesterol or diabetes, this increase in calories must come from healthy foods. So, it pays to know these ingredients that you can add to your diet if you are pregnant. Enjoy them!

1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the examples of foods that pregnant women should consume

Eggs contain important nutrients for healthy pregnancy development. They are a source of B-complex vitamins, phosphorus and healthy fats that are involved in the formation of the baby. In addition, they provide choline, a key nutrient for brain development.

2. Salmon

Although you may have been told that it is not safe to add fish to your diet if you are pregnant, salmon is a safe option. It is an important source of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and minerals that take care of cardiovascular and brain health.

Adequate absorption of these nutrients benefits the baby in multiple ways. For example, it improves your visual accuracy, increases your ability to learn and decreases the risk of delays. In addition, it helps to avoid complications during childbirth.

3. Avocados

Avocado is one of the foods for pregnancy

The fatty acids that avocado contains are useful for the proper formation of skin tissue and for the fetal brain. Furthermore, they prevent the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides in the mother’s blood.

This fruit is also a source of folic acid and B vitamins, whose absorption reduces the risk of neuronal tube abnormalities and other congenital problems. In addition, its potassium content decreases the cramps and numbness in the legs that pregnant women often suffer.

4. Lean meats

As it is one of the foods with the highest content of iron, B vitamins and high biological value proteins, lean meats should be part of a pregnant woman’s diet. Its moderate consumption reduces the risk of anemia and early delivery.

5. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the foods for pregnancy

One of the best foods for breakfast and snacks for pregnant women is oatmeal. It is a whole grain rich in fiber, which assimilation in the body prevents constipation and slow digestion. In addition, it offers a “plus” of vitamin B1, magnesium and protein.

6. Dried fruits

To enjoy healthy snacks, you can resort to dried fruits. In all its varieties offer interesting doses of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and antioxidants. These nutrients increase energy and contribute to the normal development of the fetus.

7. Spinach

Spinach contains folic acid, which is excellent for pregnant women.

The folic acid that spinach leaves contain can help lower the risk of birth defects in the fetus. In turn, it supports the formation of new tissue in both the baby and the mother. It also contains iron and magnesium, minerals that are involved in the formation of red blood cells to prevent anemia.

8. Natural yogurt

In pregnancy it is important to get an “extra” dose of calcium; therefore, it is convenient to consume pregnancy foods such as yogurt. Thanks to its properties, this ingredient regulates the pH of the intestinal microbiota and strengthens defenses. Furthermore, it supports the strengthening of the bone system and teeth.

Did you know these pregnancy foods you should include? Now that you know what they are, be sure to add them to your favorite dishes. Remember that for a healthy pregnancy, it is necessary to maintain a complete and varied diet that fulfills these special nutritional needs.

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