Pear Juice: Discover Its Thousand And One Uses

Pear juice is a soothing, mild flavor, high in fiber content, and can be consumed pure or mixed. Know its benefits for the body.
Pear juice: discover its thousand and one uses

Pear juice is a soothing, mild flavor, with high fiber content. In addition, it can be consumed pure or mixed with other juices.

Furthermore, it is very rich in nutrients and contains vitamins A, E, C and group B (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), as well as copper, phosphorus and potassium, calcium, boron, iron, sodium, magnesium , manganese, zinc and selenium.

The juice of this fruit is convenient for us to consume all the ingredients it provides, especially when it is ripe. Its caloric content is similar to that of a glass of orange juice, which provides 110 calories.



It is recommended to drink pear juice as an option for constipation in babies and children.

The suggestion is that the child consumes 110 to 200 ml of pear juice, along with their usual food. Even if you are old enough to eat solid foods, the ideal is that you consume the pear in baby food or vitamins. In this way, it will be able to absorb a greater amount of fibers.

Also, pear juice is a good source of pectin , which promotes regular bowel movements, and drinking this fresh juice will maintain regular bowel movements.

Healthy Pear Properties


Consuming pear juice separates the fibers from the juice, and so gives the body rest. Since no pre-digested utrientes absorbed into the bloodstream,


Because it has a wide variety of vitamins and antioxidants, it will serve to strengthen the immune system so that we stay away from the flu, colds and other persistent illnesses that tend to show up when the immune system is compromised.

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This juice has high levels of antioxidants, as already mentioned, as well as glutathione, which will help protect us against high blood pressure and stroke.

In addition, pears do not have fat or large amounts of sodium, which are harmful to blood pressure.

Pear can prevent the development of high blood pressure
Hypertension can be prevented with the consumption of pear, thanks to its antioxidants and its glutathione content.


Pears are often labeled hypoallergenic, being the only fruit allowed as part of elimination diets, used by people testing their allergies.

Initially pear juice is a great option for children, but there are reports of allergic reactions in some cases.

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Pear consumption prevents osteoporosis

Among its minerals, pear contains copper and boron, the latter of which is necessary for magnesium and calcium to function properly in the body, in addition to helping to retain calcium, which makes it capable of preventing or delaying the appearance of osteoporosis.


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