Never Forget To Say Goodbye To Your Child When You Leave The House

Usually when parents are away from home their children start crying, so it’s important to say goodbye when you leave and remind them that you’ll be back.
Never forget to say goodbye to your child when you leave the house

Saying goodbye to your child when you go to work or being away for a few hours can be traumatic for your child. The child is often crying when he sees you leave. For this reason, many parents get into the habit of using some of the child’s distractions to get out of the house.

This type of action fills the child with uncertainty and anxiety, in addition to feeling unprotected and abandoned. Although we think we avoid suffering, the opposite happens, because as soon as the child realizes you’re not there, he’ll look around the house for you, and then he’ll start crying.

Why do children cry when we leave the house?

It is natural for children to feel attachment to their mother, especially the little ones. The feeling of warmth and protection that the mother generates from birth often promotes strong emotional bonds.

When saying goodbye to your child, he may cry

In many cases, even momentary separation can generate anguish and restlessness in the child, so it is prudent to get him used to its absence.

For that you can use games in which you hide from your visual range, but keep talking to reinforce the confidence that even if you don’t see you, it doesn’t mean you’ve abandoned it. With this, your child will understand that your absences are not permanent, and that at some point you will be with him again.

What are the disadvantages of not saying goodbye to your child?

Psychologists have determined that leaving the house without saying goodbye to your child creates feelings of anger and despair. Plus separation anxiety, because he doesn’t know when you left, or when you’ll be back.

This will make him suspicious, because he won’t know when he’ll escape again without his noticing. Furthermore, the child will begin to live in a constant feeling of insecurity and confusion.

This kind of separation will cause his attachment to you to increase, and when he comes back, he will not pull away from you for fear of being abandoned again. It also creates a feeling of guilt in the child because when you don’t explain why you leave, she will believe you did something bad, which is why you left her.

How to say goodbye to your child when you leave home?

Separation is not an insignificant topic for young children. The affection and security relationship they have, especially with their mother, makes them create a bond that is very difficult to break from an early age.

Plan a plan to execute during your absence

Whether you’re leaving your child with a relative or a babysitter, try to include an activity that he or she likes to do as soon as you leave. In this way, you will learn to associate your going out with something fun or enjoyable.

How to Say Goodbye to Your Child When You Leave Home

Let him know you’re leaving a few minutes before

Notifying your child that you will be leaving within a few minutes will avoid spaces for unnecessary drama. It is also a good idea to create a goodbye routine so that you allow your child to feel that their absences are normal and that there is nothing to worry about.

show yourself happy

Separation anxiety is not only suffered by the little one, mothers also feel the same. But if you look sad or melancholy, you are not helping your child. Avoid saying phrases like “I’m going to miss you” or “don’t be sad” because you will be inducing this feeling.

avoid long goodbyes

Don’t try to make up for the time you’ll be away by extending the farewell. Make him understand that you must leave, that he will be back soon, tell him to have fun and remind him that while you are not at home he will be left in the care of another responsible and loving person, be it grandma, nanny, or whoever it is.

Going out without saying goodbye to your child can have future traumas

don’t come back because you heard him cry


You should avoid going out without saying goodbye to your child because the child may have future emotional trauma. The best way to leave your child is to explain that you are leaving, and that you will be back soon.

It is normal for the child to cry, it shows that he will miss you. But little by little he will assimilate their absences as natural, without the traumas of insecurity that their disappearance without explanations generates.


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