Natural Treatments To Fight Sty

We should never try to remove the sty as this can spread the infection to the rest of the eye. What we should do is apply heat to the eye to alleviate the symptoms and improve the condition.

The sty Clearing this condition usually takes several days and occurs spontaneously. However, there are some natural remedies that can help alleviate the problem to fight it.

  • Anemia.
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • thyroid.
  • Chronic eye inflammations.

fight the sty

Natural treatments to fight the sty



This flat has anti-inflammatory and cooling compounds that can help reduce bulge and irritation.

Put two teaspoons of chamomile in a cup of hot water and let it rest for a while, then apply it with gauze or a clean cloth to the affected area.

Chamomile should not be administered in case of allergic conjunctivitis or hay fever.


The juice that the potato releases when cut into slices can be very useful in the sty elimination treatment.

Cut a potato into slices, place the slices in the refrigerator, and when they are cool, apply them to irritated eyelids to reduce inflammation.



The juice from this plant has antibacterial compounds that can curb the action of staphylococcal bacteria to speed up the recovery of the affected eyelid.

To take advantage of this, just cut a leaf from the aloe and remove the pure gel from its interior.

Then dip a piece of cotton in this gel and apply it directly over the sty.


Horsetail infusion has astringent properties  that can reduce the action of bacteria that cause sty.

Prepare an infusion of the dried plant in a cup of water, dip a piece of gauze and apply it to the affected area.



The use of this plant can help speed up the elimination of the sty, while reducing that bothersome inflammation.

Place a chard leaf to heat in a pan of water, strain the liquid and let the chard rest for a while.

When it is warm, place it on the closed eyelids for 10 minutes and repeat the treatment at least 3 times a day.


The warm pulp of carrots can also be very helpful in reducing the sty and alleviating its troublesome symptoms.

Bring a liter of water to a boil, add a few slices of carrots and let them rest for 20 minutes until they are soft. After that time, place them on closed eyes, leaving them to act for 10 minutes.

Never try, for any reason, to remove the sty like a pimple or blackhead, as the infection can spread to the rest of the eye. It is best to wait for it to drain spontaneously.

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