Natural Juices To Treat And Prevent Anemia

In addition to increasing the consumption of foods rich in iron, it is also important to reduce the intake of those that make it difficult to absorb them, such as dairy products and coffee.

In this article you will learn about recipes and some effective natural juices to treat and prevent anemia.

Anemia happens when we have an iron deficiency in our body. It is a very common problem to occur with women, in situations such as heavy menstruation or poor diet. These are some of the most determining factors for the problem to occur and for us to suffer its consequences.

The iron present in the blood is essential for our body to synthesize red blood cells and hemoglobin. They transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells, an indispensable function that, when we suffer from anemia, is affected and causes many of the known effects of the disease: tiredness, fragile hair and nails, pallor, palpitations…

The juices we’ll teach you next are healthy and delicious. Do you want to get to know them and start treating and preventing anemia? Check out!

Juices to treat and prevent anemia

beet and carrot juice

beets to treat and prevent anemia

Beetroot contains an excellent content of iron, which will help us treat and prevent anemia. If we add carrots to it, we will help assimilate its absorption. Another excellent ally to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia (from iron deficiency).


  • a beet
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tablespoons of brewer’s yeast
  • A glass of water

Method of preparation

First, start by washing and cutting the beets and carrots. Then place them in a blender with a glass of water and blend everything until you get a smooth consistency.

Finally, add the brewer’s yeast. Drink it every day in the morning.

parsley juice

parsley juice to treat and prevent anemia

The flavor of this juice is quite strong, but we assure you that it is an excellent medicine to treat anemia.

Parsley has a high iron content and, when combined with lemon juice, will help you assimilate this element better. The ideal is to drink this juice before main meals.


  • Some parsley leaves (6 to 8 sprigs)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water

Method of preparation

First, wash the ingredients thoroughly and then cut the parsley into small pieces and place it in a blender with a glass of water.

Then extract the juice from a lemon and place it in a blender. Beat everything. The taste is a little strong, but try taking it as a necessary medicine to treat your anemia.

Finally, remember that the iron in parsley is better absorbed in the intestine when you combine it with lemon juice.

Spinach, beet and watercress juice

beetroot, spinach and watercress juice to treat and prevent anemia

It is a very nutritious juice with an incredible iron content. In it we will include vegetables with the greatest amount of this essential element: spinach, watercress, radishes and beetroot. A tasty juice that can be taken, for example, before dinner. Furthermore, an ideal complement to daily nutrition and to treat anemia. Then write down:


  • From 6 to 7 watercress leaves
  • 3 radishes
  • 1 beet
  • From 6 to 7 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of water
  • ½ tablespoon of brewer’s yeast

Method of preparation

First, wash all ingredients thoroughly. Then take the watercress, radishes, spinach and beetroot, all cut into small pieces, to the blender.

Then add the glass of water and beat everything until you get a very homogeneous mixture. It will have a characteristic beet brown color. After getting the juice, add a small dose of brewer’s yeast, which will be a perfect complement to increase the dose of iron.

Drink the juice little by little, it is important to consume all these freshly prepared juices, this is the best way to benefit from their nutrients and the necessary iron content, essential for treating anemia.

Finally, be sure to include them in your diet, as much as you might not like it, and remember to take them daily.

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