Learn More About Appendicitis

The considerable increase in the incidence of this problem was highlighted even in prime time soap operas and deserves our attention.
Learn more about appendicitis

Appendicitis is nothing more than inflammation of the appendix, which is a kind of small “pocket” attached to the beginning of the large intestine.

Main causes

Appendicitis is one of the most common causes of emergency abdominal surgery in some countries. It usually occurs when the appendix becomes blocked, whether by stool, a tumor (rare) or an object.

Exams performed

The doctor will perform some procedures on anyone who suffers from this problem. If you have appendicitis, your pain will increase when the doctor suddenly releases pressure after gently pressing the lower abdominal area on the right.

In general, doctors diagnose appendicitis according to the symptoms reported by the patient, physical examination and laboratory tests. Some exams are:

  • Diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • Abdominal computed tomography;
  • Abdominal ultrasound;

appendicitis symptoms

Symptoms of appendicitis vary with each patient. But usually the symptom that appears first is pain around the navel, which starts small and grows in proportion. Symptoms such as low-grade fever, vomiting and nausea were also evidenced.

As inflammation in the appendix increases, the pain tends to move down and to the right and be located directly above the appendix, at a location called the McBurney point.

If the appendix breaks, the pain may disappear for a while. However, when inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity occurs, the pain worsens and the patient’s condition also worsens.

There is evidence of some later symptoms, such as:

  • Chills
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • loss of appetite
  • tremors

Seek immediate medical attention if you have the following symptoms:

  • Severe, sudden or sharp pain and fever;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea with the presence of blood;
  • Tough, sensitive abdomen;
  • Difficulty or inability to evacuate;
  • Abdominal discomfort for a period longer than a week;
  • Intensifying pain when eating or taking antacids;
  • Involuntary weight loss;
  • Nausea, dizziness or dizziness;
  • Insistent abdominal pain on the lower right side.

Treatment for appendicitis

If you have an uncomplicated case, a surgeon will remove your appendix shortly after your doctor’s diagnosis.

If a CT scan shows that you have an abscess from a torn appendix, you must first be treated for the infection.

That way, you’ll have your appendix removed after the infection and inflammation are treated.

Be aware: depending on the severity of the appendicitis, it can lead the patient to a generalized infection and death in just 3 days.

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