Learn How To Grow Cinnamon At Home

Growing cinnamon at home is an unparalleled resource for taking care of you and your home’s interior design. Thanks to the current popularity of urban gardens, you have it at your fingertips.

Cinnamon has benefits that most people are not aware of. Of oriental origin, it is usually used as an aromatic ingredient in sweet recipes, among others. Learn here how to grow cinnamon at home.

Cinnamon is widely used as a spice. However, consuming it frequently is synonymous with taking care of our health and our appearance.

If you are a diabetic, cinnamon is an ideal complement. The reason is because it  absorbs sugar from the accompanying foods . Therefore, you can continue to be greedy without putting your health at risk.

This property is also wonderful for dieters, as sugar is the first ingredient that should be reduced from meals.

Continuing with its benefits, we know it  helps us control blood lipids. These correspond to fats that turn into triglycerides or cholesterol.

As you can see, growing cinnamon at home is a very smart decision, because you will be able to completely control its growth and use it whenever you like.

What is needed to grow cinnamon at home?

The pinnacle of ecological agriculture is that it makes  having an urban garden very easy.

It is no longer necessary to have a large plot of land to grow your own vegetables and spices. Just a space where there is sunlight and access to water, the other tools can be purchased on the internet or in stores specializing in agriculture.

The elements you will need are as follows:

  • Cinnamon seeds. They are taken from the dark colored compartments that crown the bush in winter. They cannot be consumed, but they offer us the germ of this wonderful plant.
  • Small pots for your first growth. As happens in most cases, to grow cinnamon at home, there will have to be a first “incubation” moment. We’ll talk about this step later.
  • Medium sized pots for your transplant. When the seeds are ripe, you will have to move the planting to other containers with a larger size.

Consider that, at least, it will measure about 120 cm when it grows. From there it will depend on your desire and your space.

  • Combination of acid earth, Sphangnum  moss  and perlite. For the species to develop,  we need a loose and sandy substrate so that the water is well filtered.

Also, it is important that it has a high content of organic matter.

  • A place with luminosity, but  which does not receive direct sunlight. She prefers humid climates. Therefore, if you want to grow cinnamon at home and be successful in this endeavor, the region of the house where you will place the pots will be essential.

How to grow cinnamon at home?

Follow these simple steps and you will be able to reach your goal:

Incubate it in a dark region

Cinnamon’s natural habitat is in humid regions. So, for this first moment, we recommend that you mix the substrate with the seeds and place the container in a dark place.

water daily

There can be no lack of water. The soil we’re going to use is perfect for this, so  moisturizing it once or twice a day  will suffice.

Replant it at 4 months

After that time, it will be ripe to put it in the final vase. Think carefully about its size, as  the bush’s measurements will depend on the pot.

Put it in a place with more light

When that time comes, our seeds will thank you for a little light. However, remember that  the sun’s rays cannot reach them directly.

Hydrate it, but don’t drown it

In this step you should take care of watering it. Make sure the substrate you use is ideal for keeping moisture. Otherwise, you run the risk of using too much water and rotting the roots.

With these simple advices, you will reach your goal without much effort. In addition to its nutritious properties, it will dazzle your friendships with its precious summer leaves.

Whether they are yellow or white, it is an incredible decorative element. All this will  be completed with a delicious aroma that will travel through your home  to give it a great personality.

All the necessary elements are at your fingertips and are very economical. As you already know,  growing the food you consume is a guarantee of health.

Therefore, we encourage you to try this spice full of advantages that will purify your body and sweeten your soul.

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