Is Wearing A Bra Good Or Bad?

Although bra use is determined by the size of the breasts, it is certain that we should not abuse this intimate piece to allow the breasts to relax.

Is wearing a bra good or bad? Undoubtedly, this question about the use of bra is controversial.

There are those who defend its use as if it represented the  cloak and the sword,  others who say that it is only necessary to wear it at certain times of the day and others indicate that this piece of women’s clothing does not help and has effects contrary to the desired ones.

In this article, we’ll talk more about  the doubt about whether it’s good or bad to wear a bra. Don’t miss it!

Study on the effects of bra on breasts

Dr. Jean Denis Rouillon, from the University of France-Comté, has been studying the effects of the bra on women for years.

Their research is based on analyzing, observing and measuring the breasts of the volunteers, as well as allowing each one to tell their experience of wearing or not wearing a bra.

Some of them agreed to take off their bra in certain situations (such as when playing sports) and others chose to never wear the bra.

According to the first conclusions,  when these underwear are not worn, the nipples rise an average of 7 mm per year. The reason? The breasts get stronger.

For several of the project’s volunteers, practicing sports without a bra is not a problem, as is going to work, staying at home or going to a party. Your breasts don’t hurt at the end of the day and don’t feel pressure or discomfort during the day.

The only negative point to highlight is the reaction of people around you, who look strange or say they should wear a bra.

In any case,  to avoid glances or comments, many chose to use models without the metal braces.

What is certain is that this study could leave out a large part of the female population: those over 30 years old, with large breasts, overweight or who are already mothers.

Everything can change then if certain requirements are met. For example, during pregnancy, breasts grow and the mammary glands move downward. In that case it would be good to wear a bra.

Myths and truths about bra wearing

Many may think that women have been wearing bras forever, but this is not true. It’s practically a modern fashion-based invention.

Some of the myths and truths that revolve around the use of this piece are:

“Wearing a bra is necessary”

Again we have to quote Professor Rouillon to answer this idea. According to this professional,  the bra can cause stretch marks, flaccidity and loss of firmness in the breasts.

Therefore, it is a “false need”.

“It’s essential to fight gravity”

We don’t know what Isaac Newton would say about it, but most women believe that wearing a bra helps prevent or reduce breast sagging.

Although this seems like a female law, the fact is that  this piece limits the growth of tissues that support the breasts. Therefore, it would not have an anatomical or physiological benefit.

“The models with rods are better”


It’s true that this piece marks the breasts in a different way and looks very elegant. However, it also has its contraindications.

Excessive use of a bra with metal rings or braces causes injuries  or wounds both internally and externally. This is even related to the increased risk of developing breast cancer.

“The bra is also worn at night”

Some women don’t take off their bra when they go to sleep for fear of the law of gravity or because they believe that keeping it on will make them feel more comfortable when lying on their stomach. The first idea is a myth and the second has to do with beliefs or habits.

According to  the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons,  microscopic ligaments hold the breasts in place.

When they are “accustomed” to another item doing the work for them (ie, the bra)  they weaken and sagging is more likely to appear in the area.

“The bigger the breasts, the tighter the straps”

It would be better to buy a model whose straps are in accordance with the size and weight of the bust. If you have very large breasts, the straps need to be wider (and vice versa).

You also need to know that the more “tension” there is in the straps, the more reverse work the ligaments in the breasts will have to do.

So when you take off the bra, your breasts will sag more than usual, like a rubber band that comes loose after being stretched for hours.

“The bra is necessary when playing sports and during pregnancy”


This is absolutely true, as at these times the breasts either make different efforts and movements, or grow more than usual.

There is no doubt that  in each case you must use a special model  and always remember to take it off at night or after exercise due to the perspiration that accumulates in the garment.

Other circumstances that lead us to need a bra more are:

  • Overweight.
  • Big breasts in proportion to the body.
  • Women who are breastfeeding or are past menopause.

Lastly, the amount of hours we can wear the bra should not exceed 7 or 8 hours a day. We can use it when we are at work or away from home and when we arrive, take it off.

This way  the breasts relax and the risks related to this intimate piece are reduced. And of course, never use it to sleep!

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