Is It Healthy To Eat Fruit On An Empty Stomach?

When we eat fruits on an empty stomach, the stomach cannot digest them, but the small intestine can. With this, sugars are released and nutrients absorbed.
Is it healthy to eat fruit on an empty stomach?

There are several beliefs about eating fruit on an empty stomach. On the one hand are those who believe it is unhealthy to do so. On the other hand, there are those who consider it the best complement to the daily diet. Find out more in the following article!

What’s better?

In fact, the fruit is perfect to start the day. First, our digestive system doesn’t need a lot of energy to process it.  Furthermore, it offers different benefits for the body’s functioning.

Thus, fruits are considered a food capable of making the brain work faster; bringing balance to all parts of the body.

We can find in the composition of fruits important elements for the proper functioning of our body.

Among these, the  most predominant element in its composition is fructose, composed of approximately 95% of water. Therefore, when we talk about so much water in the composition of a fruit, we are talking about a food capable of cleaning the organism and benefiting it.

Is there a right way to eat fruit?

In short, the problem with fruit consumption is that most people do not know the proper way to do it. In view of this, what must be done is to consume the fruits on an empty stomach or when our stomach is empty.

Why eat fruit on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach?

Is eating fruit on an empty stomach good?

This is the most effective way to consume fruits, since at the beginning of digestion they are not digested by the stomach, but rather by the small intestine. Fruits quickly pass through the stomach and are directed to the intestine, where they release their sugars.

However, if, together with the fruits, we had consumed starch or meat, the displacement to the intestine would be difficult.  Therefore, in addition to the reduction in their nutritional performance, they would also be fermented.

“When I eat fruit, I feel bad”: What is the reason?

If you eat some fruit and then have an unpleasant taste in your mouth, or feel uncomfortable in your stomach, you probably  did not consume this food properly. Also, your stomach could be full.

Other factors

If, in your routine, you usually consume juice from a box, canned, in glass containers, among others, on an empty stomach, it is recommended that you avoid doing so. Because the fact that the juice is in these containers indicates that it probably had some heating process in the production, making its original structure acidic.

Also, they often add preservatives.

speaking of benefits

man holding a fruit to eat

Eating fruit on an empty stomach will not only make your diet lighter, it will also bring important natural benefits, which will act in the following way:

  • First, they help protect the body from heart disease;
  • Second, they strengthen capillaries, especially the fragile ones, which constantly cause heart attacks or internal bleeding;
  • Third, they are rich in bioflavonoids. So they can prevent the blood from thickening and clogging the arteries.

How to make the diet effective by consuming fruits?

For example, if you usually get out of bed and eat as much as you can, without giving up bread, butter and coffee, you are certainly starting the day very badly. Since you’re putting food into your stomach that will take a whole day to digest.

Therefore, you can think of foods that are easily absorbed and able to cleanse the body, as well as fruits.

If possible, consume only fresh fruit and juices when you wake up. Keep this type of food until lunchtime. Continuing with this consumption for longer, will give the body a chance to eliminate toxins throughout the day and quickly.

Other recommendations

Cleansing juices with fruits

When consuming fruits and juices in the morning, try not to consume them too cold, as this causes their components to solidify, slowing down digestion.

After each meal, start implementing the ingestion of hot tea or, if you prefer, some hot water. This will make the fats “lighter”, making their elimination faster and easier digestion.

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