How To Treat Eye Bags?

In addition to reducing salt intake and applying topical treatments, it is very important to sleep well. If we don’t rest properly, no medicine will be effective.
How to treat eye bags?

Eye bags are a very uncomfortable aesthetic problem that affects both women and men. Inflammation in this region can often be noticed in times of fatigue. This problem can also be the result of hereditary causes, fluid retention, allergies, drug reactions or lack of sleep.

Unfortunately, to completely get rid of eye bags you have to undergo surgery, however, there are different natural treatments that can help us remarkably reduce inflammation and, thanks to this, it is possible to mask the problem.

If you want to know some basic tips and treatments to reduce eye bags, check out this article!

Tips to reduce eye bags

  • Get Proper Rest: One of the main causes of eye bags is tiredness. That’s why it’s very important to sleep at least eight hours a day without interruption and look for activities that help you relax. Without adequate rest, the bags do not disappear with any treatment, however effective it may be.
  • Reduce your salt intake: this ingredient is one of the causes of fluid retention, which results in the appearance of bags in the eyes.
  • Drink water: the consumption of at least two liters of water a day is very beneficial for your health in general. When we drink a lot of water, the body eliminates fluids and all the toxins that can affect its easier functioning, so the bags in the eyes reduce and their recurrence is minimized.
  • Include diuretic foods in your diet: Diuretic foods facilitate digestion and help eliminate accumulated fluid in the body.
  • Moisturize the skin on your face: eye bags can also appear due to dryness and exposure to the sun. This tends to thin the skin in the eyes, destroying collagen and elastin fibers. It is recommended to use moisturizing skin creams, preferably with sunscreen.
  • Don’t rub the eye area: when we rub our eyes frequently, we can irritate the delicate skin that surrounds them and, as a result, bags appear more easily.
  • Avoid chemical cosmetics: Some people experience an allergic skin reaction and eye puffiness when using some types of chemical cosmetics. In this case, it is good to stop using certain beauty products and, thus, identify if any of them are influencing the appearance of bags.

Treatments to reduce eye bags


What-Properties-Has-Raw Potato Juice

Potato’s properties are ideal for helping to reduce inflammation, so it is a great ally when it comes to minimizing the effects of eye bags.

To treat the problem with this ingredient, just cut some slices of raw potato, allow them to cool in the fridge and then apply them over the eyes so that they cover the entire area of ​​the bags.

Leave it for fifteen minutes and that’s it.


Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce puffiness caused by eye bags.

To take advantage of this benefit, just cut a few slices of the cucumber and, as with the potato, let it cool in the refrigerator.

Once they have cooled down, just place them over your eyes for twenty-five minutes. Take advantage and take a nap at this time to maximize the effects of the treatment.

Green tea

green tea leaves

Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that will help to visibly reduce the appearance of eye bags, and will also relax this area of ​​the face.

Prepare two pouches of green tea to infuse at room temperature and then place them over your eyes for fifteen minutes.


When we sleep little and have a restless night’s sleep, the next day there are traces of tiredness in our eyes. We can use an ideal trick to reduce the bags and make it look fresher.

Write down. Just soak a cotton ball in milk and pass it in the eye area where there is swelling. Then let it act for fifteen minutes and remove with plenty of cold water.


the eye bags

The green apple is ideal for relaxing the face and reducing inflammation in the area of ​​the bags. To use it, cut a piece and prepare a puree, that is, mash it until you get a paste.

Let it cool in the refrigerator for ten minutes and then apply in the area of ​​the bags, leaving it to act for fifteen minutes.

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