How To Reduce Fever Naturally?

We can put damp cloths on the forehead to cool the head and neck and make the patient feel better. We should change them regularly, whenever necessary.
How to reduce fever naturally?

Especially when it comes to children, many parents are resistant to the use of drugs in fever episodes. So, nothing better than considering some recommendations to reduce fever in a natural way.

Tips to reduce fever

In cases of fever, follow these tips:

  • Put on wet socks up to your ankles. For kids, it works really well. Applying is very simple; just wet a pair of socks that reach your ankles and put them on. When they dry, just repeat the procedure. It is not necessary for the socks to get too soaked. This will relieve the fever and calm the children.
  • Take a warm bath. Stay in the shower in warm water for a few minutes; this will help the temperature to drop a little bit, but it is important that the water is neither too cold nor too hot so as not to cause thermal shock.

  • Drink lots of water. Fever is more or less similar to dehydration, as the body responds to individuals outside of it. Therefore, drinking water, tea or juices is a good option, especially if the condition is complemented by vomiting and diarrhea. The quantities will depend on the patient’s age (3 liters for male adults, 2 liters for women and 1.5 liters for children).
  • Cool your head and neck.  Use damp or wet cloths. Repeat as many times as necessary when the cloth is dry or very hot.
  • Don’t eat too much or heavy food. It is better to opt for healthy liquids such as vegetable soup or tea. In this way, the body will recover more easily and quickly. If you’re hungry, don’t eat at once until you’re full; it is preferable to eat little by little at certain times.

Home remedies to reduce fever

These recipes can be effective in cases of fever, although it is better to consult a specialist (for example, a herbalist or professional connected with natural medicine):

  • Raisin tea: bring 1 cup of raisins and 7 of water to a boil. When it starts to boil, cook over low heat until the liquid reduces to 1/3 its volume. Turn off the heat, let it cool, and drink half a cup several times a day until the fever subsides.
lower the fever

  • Sage tea: this herb allows us to perspire more, making the fever go down. In a cup, pour boiling water and some sage leaves. Cover with a lid and let stand for 10 minutes. Add honey, sugar or stevia, and a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Lettuce tea: a good option to stay hydrated. This vegetable contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. Boil a liter of water and pour it into a container with a whole lettuce leaf. Leave for 15 minutes, strain, add a natural sweetener and drink before it cools.
  • Have an ice cream:  for sure this will be a very pleasant option for children. The sugar that the ice cream contains is beneficial in these cases, in addition to the temperature of this dessert, which will help to balance the body temperature and will also hydrate you.

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