How To Recover The Body After Pregnancy

One of the great concerns of women after pregnancy is getting back into the body from before. Even if it can’t be achieved overnight, it can be achieved by adopting healthy habits.
How to recover the body after pregnancy

Many women from the world of fame tend to show their “perfect” bodies when they have just become mothers. This trend has made many women think that this is normal and that they should recover their bodies after pregnancy as soon as possible.

However, it is an unhealthy behavior, as it can lead to making wrong decisions at a time when good habits are decisive. Even if you can get some “help”,  getting your body back after pregnancy is a slow and gradual process.

Of course, it shouldn’t take long either, since  the first months of postpartum are key to starting to incorporate measures that allow you to lose weight. So… how to get it? What should we take into account? We will give some advice below.

Recovering the body after pregnancy: what we should know

Being a mother is a wonderful experience that changes a woman’s life. And while many of these changes are well received, others, such as weight gain and measurements, can be a reason for low self-esteem and depression.

During pregnancy, the body adapts to form a new human being. Therefore, it is normal to experience a stretching of the hips, an increase in the volume of the breasts and a loss of firmness in the abdomen.

In general,  a woman can gain between 10 to 15 kg (or more) at this stage. However, this does not mean that the body cannot be recovered after pregnancy. While there are no “magic” formulas to achieve it, there are many healthy habits that help.

Have patience

Postpartum depression does not help to recover the body after childbirth

Before starting a plan to lose weight after pregnancy, it is essential to take into account that the changes will not appear overnight. Therefore,  one of the keys to not failing in the attempt is to be patient  and be constant with all efforts.

start pregnancy

This “eating for two” or overeating during pregnancy can complicate the process of recovering the body. Therefore,  the most recommended is to start taking care of your weight from pregnancy,  trying to increase only what is allowed.

do not postpone

It is true that a woman cannot start an intensive routine right after giving birth. However, the postpartum period, that first trimester after giving birth,  is the right time to adopt a healthy routine focused on restoring your body.


Breastfeeding helps to recover the body after giving birth

Breastfeeding is one of the best allies to fight overweight after pregnancy. Every time your baby breastfeeds, it  will help to increase caloric expenditure  and you can lose up to 500 calories. However, it is recommended to supplement breastfeeding with a balanced diet.

Adopt a balanced diet

The need to recover the body after pregnancy makes you think that some “miracle” diets work to lose weight. Watch out! While some plans are tempting,  postpartum nutrition is just as important as it is during pregnancy.

The safest way to get back to a healthy weight is to follow a varied eating plan, controlling fats and sugars. Instead of consuming refined products, we recommend fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables.

In addition, it is also convenient to use alternative cooking methods such as steaming or grilling. Avoiding saturated fat will help you lose weight more easily.

do moderate exercise

Women who have just given birth cannot immediately jump into high-impact physical activities. Although exercise is recommended from the first postpartum days, it should be gradual and moderate.

Doing sit-ups helps to recover the body after giving birth

The first activities suggested include extremity stretches. Afterwards, it’s good to walk the baby or take a short walk. In the beginning, the ideal is to dedicate only 30 minutes a day. Later, when you regain your physical state, you can increase the intensity.

A good option is to look for specific yoga or Pilates classes  about 6 months after giving birth. Also, it is recommended to work out with a personal trainer , who will plan the most suitable routines for you.

Increase water consumption

Adequate hydration is essential at any stage of life. Therefore, in support of all these habits, it is  recommended to drink abundantly during the day. This not only allows the body to recover after pregnancy, it also increases breast milk production.

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