How To Prepare A Citrus Floor Cleaner

The components that are contained in the peels of some citrus fruits allow us to make a 100% natural floor cleaner. This, in addition to disinfecting, neutralizes bad odors.
How to Prepare a Citrus Floor Cleaner

The development of a citrus floor cleaner has multiple advantages when it comes to disinfecting and removing stains. Due to its interesting combination of ingredients, it has antibacterial and whitening properties that leave surfaces impeccable.

Its main advantage over commercial cleaning products is that it does not contain harsh chemical additives. Thanks to this, its use does not affect the environment, nor does it produce allergic reactions in sensitive people. How is it manufactured at home?

In fact, no special ingredients are needed to make it; in fact, most are usually in the pantry. Next, we want to share its uses in detail, and a simple recipe to prepare it in very easy steps. Write down!

Advantages of citrus floor cleaner

Woman applying citrus cleaner on the floor.

Citrus fruits have been used since ancient times in the manufacture of cleaning products for the home. Due to their high concentration of antibacterial oils and bleaching agents, they have been one of the mainstays of soaps, detergents, and air fresheners.

However, its use in its natural state continues as a solution for many household tasks. Even, due to the “green” tendency to care for the planet, many people have reused them as replacements for commercial cleaning products.

In this special case, we want to teach you how to prepare a citrus floor cleaner. It is a 100% natural solution that concentrates the properties of lemon, orange, grapefruit and other ingredients, which facilitate the disinfection of these types of surfaces. What are its advantages?

  • Removes stains caused by food or drink spills.
  • Removes dirt that enters the house due to shoes.
  • It disinfects the floor,  eliminating viruses and bacteria, which usually proliferate on its surface.
  • Cleans the ceramic grout.
  • Neutralizes unpleasant odors and leaves a delicious citrus air.
  • Removes greasy feeling from kitchen floor.
  • Eliminates dust and mites, reducing the risk of allergies.
  • Does not release aggressive chemical particles for respiratory health.
  • Its ingredients are very economical.

How to make this citrus floor cleaner?

Citrus floor cleaner in a spray bottle

Making a citrus floor cleaner is very simple and doesn’t take a lot of time. In addition, it is a great option to make the most of the fruit peels that we consider garbage. Although we ignore them, they contain oils and compounds that are important for cleaning the house. Would you like to try it?


  • Citrus peels (tangerine, orange, grapefruit and lemon)
  • 4 grains of black pepper
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • apple peel
  • 2 cloves
  • 2 cups of alcohol vinegar (500 ml)
  • Water (as needed)


  • Pan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Strainer
  • bottle with spray


  • Fill a pot with water, and add the citrus peel. If desired, grate the skins first to obtain a more concentrated aroma.
  • Then boil the preparation over low heat and leave until the water is reduced by half.
  • Then turn off the heat and add the pepper, cinnamon, apple peel and cloves.
  • Cover the preparation and let it sit until warm.
  • Later, filter everything with a sieve, and transfer it to a larger container.
  • Then add the alcohol vinegar and stir with a wooden spoon.
  • Now, pour the product into a spray bottle for ease of use.
  • If desired, put a label to identify it among other cleaning products.
  • Store it in a cool, dark place for a month.

mode of use

  • Spray a generous amount of cleaner onto the floor.
  • Let it act for a few minutes and rub it with the mop.
  • If the floor has stubborn stains, leave it on for 10 minutes and remove it with a brush.

Do you dare to prepare this citrus floor cleaner? If you are still not replacing commercial soaps with organic products, this is a great option to start. As you’ve just noticed, it’s very easy to prepare, and it has many disinfection benefits.

Also, due to its pleasant aroma it is perfect to say goodbye to those bad smells that permeate some places in the house. Don’t hesitate to give it a try!

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