How To Kill Insects Naturally

Insecticides and repellants free us from irritating pests, but they affect the environment. For this reason it is important to resort to other more natural solutions, such as medicinal plants and foods with certain properties that help in this objective.
How to eliminate insects naturally

Tired of seeing pests in your home? Are you looking to eliminate insects naturally? If your answer is yes, you are reading the indicated publication.

It is not necessary to use insecticides, you can eliminate the insects naturally. Insecticides kill the pest, but they also pollute the environment.

Therefore, below we present some natural solutions that will allow you to say goodbye to the insects that inhabit your home.

Medicinal plants and foods to eliminate insects in a natural way

1. Citronella

Citronella is excellent for repelling mosquitoes due to its citrus aroma, which is unpleasant for insects.

You can have this plant in gardens and enclosed spaces. Put it in a vase and place it in the windows or on the terrace of the house.

Make sure the land is fertile to ensure plant growth. Also, make sure she gets plenty, as this is essential for this plant.

Obtain citronella essential oil and prepare the following natural liquid repellent:


  • Citronella Oil (10 drops).
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml).


  1. Put the olive oil in a dropper bottle.
  2. Dilute citronella oil.
  3. Shake very well.


Put two drops of the mixture on your wrists and ankles.

With this mixture, mosquitoes will no longer come near you. In addition, you can make citronella-based candles, incense or liquid repellents.

Also read: Citronella oil: a good mosquito, lice and flea repellent

2. The eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is used to eliminate insects

Another medicinal plant used to eliminate insects naturally is eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus has insecticidal and repellent properties suitable for flea control.

If you place several branches of this plant under your bed, you will prevent fleas from inhabiting your room.

To protect your pets from these insects, massage their fur with a little eucalyptus oil.

If you are going to the countryside, or somewhere where you might be exposed to insect bites, prepare the following repellent cream:


  • 10 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of moisturizer (25 g).
  • 1 bottle of 150 g cosmetics.


  1. Put the moisturizer in the cosmetic glass.
  2. Pour 10 drops of eucalyptus oil over the cream.


Put some of this repellent on your cheeks, arms and ankles.

3. Bay leaf

There are many benefits offered by the bay leaf, among them the one to drive out pests from the house.

Its leaves have repellent compounds useful to fight fleas, flies, ants, moths and mosquitoes.

To repel moths from your clothes, put some bay leaves in drawers and closets. And to repel the rest of the insects, typical of the house, prepare the following repellent:


  • Bay essential oil (10 drops).
  • 1 cup of warm water (50 ml).
  • 1 scoop of liquid soap (15 g).
  • sprayer


  1. Pour the laurel essential oil drops into the spray bottle.
  2. Put in warm water.
  3. Shake very well.


  1. Spread the mixture throughout the house, especially on curtains, rugs, windows and doors.
  2. Do this procedure at least once a week.
  3. Enjoy your home without pests.

Discover: Laurel Oil: How To Prepare It And Enjoy Its Amazing Benefits

4. Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar is used to eliminate insects

Thanks to the smell of this vinegar and the acids it contains, apple cider vinegar is one of the most commonly used ingredients to naturally repel insects.

There are different preparations. Here, we present one of the simplest:


  1. Fill a glass of water with apple cider vinegar.
  2. Place it in the places you want to protect against insects.

In the living room, kitchen or windows, this simple preparation will keep your home free from pests.

5. Lemon with cloves

In addition to treating illnesses, both lemon and cloves are recommended for their strong aroma to repel insects at home and abroad.


  • 1 lemon (200 gr).
  • 16 cloves.


  1. Cut the lemon in half.
  2. Insert 8 blackheads into each half.


Place each half at strategic points.

For a greater repellent effect, cover more spaces in your home with lemons and cloves.

6. Olive oil and lettuce

Lettuce is used to eliminate insects

Other useful foods to eliminate insects naturally are olive oil and lettuce.

This combination is used to specifically kill garden slugs.


  • 1 lettuce (300 gr).
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (90 grams).


  1. Remove each of the lettuce leaves.
  2. Put the oil in a bowl.
  3. Dip lettuce in oil.


Place leaves in areas where you know slugs frequent.

When passing through the lettuce, slugs will get stuck in it. Just a few days will be enough for your garden to be full of captured slugs.

7. the cucumber

It is also very useful to eliminate insects naturally, especially cockroaches, as they hate their smell.

If these irritating insects inhabit your home, cut a fresh cucumber into slices and place it in the places they frequent.

The places where these insects usually reside are the kitchen, drawers and enclosed spaces. So try putting cucumber slices in there.

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