How To Face A Breakup

Going through a separation or divorce is not easy, regardless of the reasons that caused you to end the relationship. Changes are sudden and emotions get out of balance. In this article, we’ll give you some tips for coping with a breakup.
How to face a separation

It’s always very difficult to get over a breakup regardless of how long you’ve been with that person.

It is very important to make an assertive decision about the matter and, once the grief phase is over, commit to moving forward. In this article, we’ll talk about coping with a breakup in the best way possible.

Tips for coping with a breakup

Going through a divorce or a breakup is one of the hardest times in our lives. While for some people this means some relief, changing marital status is also a situation that no one wants to go through.

Asking for help at this complicated time is not a sign of weakness, but of integrity and a willingness to move forward despite everything. As a first step, you can break these habits:

1. Accept the emotional ups and downs

walking person on the street

It will take you some time to get used to your new marital status; if you have been with this person for a long time, it will certainly be awkward not to share your daily life with them anymore. Maybe at times you feel sad or upset, maybe at other times you feel confused and relieved.

It’s totally normal to go through these ups and downs, even on the same day. The best you can do is accept, understand and act on it. If, for example, you are depressed, don’t stay home crying, try to go out and take a walk.

2. Don’t isolate yourself

One of the main techniques for coping with a breakup is to not be alone. This is not to say that you should look for a new relationship right away, but rather allow yourself to be taken care of by your friends and family.

If you stay at home crying, watching romantic movies, or listening to sad music, it will be much harder to move on.

It is preferable to make contact with other people; get out of the house for a while, take off your pajamas and do any activity that has nothing to do with your ex. You can even take the opportunity to enjoy what you couldn’t before because you were accompanied.

3. Make time for yourself

separate and alone person

How about taking a weekend getaway to the countryside, the mountains or the beach? You can go to a hotel like this that includes a SPA service and different treatments or simply admire the landscape while enjoying a cup of coffee or a good wine.

Make room for your feelings, don’t try to deal with something that is beyond your limit, don’t rush the healing of wounds. Remember that facing a breakup is not something that can be resolved overnight.

4. Talk about your feelings

Once again, you will have to seek support from the people who care for you. Your best friend, your brother, a cousin… Don’t feel ashamed or think you’re being a burden! And if that happens, you can always get professional help.

Seek therapy, coaching, or some technique that allows you to talk fearlessly about your feelings and emotions. Talking about what hurts you is the first step in assimilating the pain and overcoming it. Even a therapist or coach can present you with the tools you need to overcome this bad moment you are going through.

5. Do what you like


Separation allows you to do what you love

Another way to deal with a breakup is to enjoy your free time in whatever way you like. When we are in a relationship, we tend to do a lot of things the other wants or spend the weekends at home.

When you get off work, sign up for a zumba class, take a cooking class, get some exercise in the park, get together with your friends or co-workers.

Take advantage of the weekends to discover new places, visit the sights of your own city, visit your relatives, go to the park for a picnic… there are thousands of options available.

It is very important that you reconnect with yourself. If necessary, go on a spiritual or religious retreat and spend a few days in silence or recollection. This will help you in many ways, such as getting back to loving yourself, enjoying life without the need to be with someone, understanding your feelings and emotions, thinking about the future, etc.

6. Think positive

Maybe you say “it’s very easy to say, difficult to do”, but take the test of nine; the next time you feel depressed or anguished, think about the good side of having separated: not fighting over money, being able to do what you want, having more freedom, thinking about yourself, etc.

You can also choose to think about all the good things you’ve lived with your ex and not think about the hurt, fights, and bad times. Being positive means always seeing the “glass half full”.

7. Don’t be in a hurry to remake your life

couple talking about a possible separation

This is one of the most common mistakes and it doesn’t always bring results as we expected. There is a phrase that says “like healing like” to describe the situation where right after separation we look for someone to replace.

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