How To Eliminate Heavy Metals From Your Body?

Did you know that garlic, in addition to helping us improve circulation, has cleansing properties? When consuming it, its components help us to eliminate all kinds of toxins.
How to eliminate heavy metals from your body?

We always hear about the harmful effects that heavy metals have on our bodies, but what are these effects? How to know if these metals are present in our body? By which pathways do they enter our body? Why are they so harmful? And how can we prevent ourselves?

In this article, we will clarify all these doubts so that our readers can prevent and naturally treat the health problems that can be caused by heavy metals with the help of natural foods and supplements such as chlorella algae, coriander, garlic and magnesium.

What are heavy metals?

First, it is necessary to understand that heavy metals are chemical elements that, to a greater or lesser extent, are part of the structure of everything around us, from the earth’s crust to our organism.

Thus, among them we find copper, iron, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, lead, arsenic and others.

However, the problem manifests itself when we have already accumulated in our body an excessive amount of metals, which, consequently,  causes us a progressive poisoning. Similarly, when these metals are emitted, they can remain in the environment for centuries.

What do they cause in our body?

Heavy metals are difficult to eliminate from our bodies and therefore build up over time as we are exposed to them.

Since ancient times, doctors in Greece and Rome have documented the symptoms of people who were exposed to heavy metals and presented the following diagnosis:

  • Cancer
  • kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • Development delays
  • Autism
  • autoimmune diseases
  • joint diseases
  • Nervous System Diseases
  • Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s
  • endocrine diseases
  • Abnormalities during pregnancy
  • Allergies

The consequences that we see in this list are more than enough for us to worry about cleaning our body’s heavy metals.

How do they get into our body?

All around us, heavy metals are present in multiple forms. We highlight some of the most common ones below:

  • lead pipes
  • Blue fish, large in size such as salmon, tuna and swordfish
  • Mercury thermometer (when broken)
  • Low consumption lamps (when broken)
  • Aluminum kitchen utensils containing other heavy metals
  • Vaccines
  • Pesticides
  • Conventional cosmetics and hygiene products
  • Gasoline
  • Cigarette
  • Food additives
  • Medicines
  • Water from mines and industries and other untreated water
  • Dental mercury amalgams
heavy metal frying pan

How to eliminate them?

The natural treatment to eliminate heavy metals will be based on the following natural supplements, which contain chelating properties, that is, they have an element that binds to heavy metals and eliminates them from our body. In addition, natural treatment allows us not to experience the side effects that usually occur when we resort to drugs.

  • Chlorella seaweed : this rich seaweed has a powerful detoxifying effect of all kinds of harmful substances, not just heavy metals, due to its high chlorophyll content which will be a main ingredient in this treatment.
  • Coriander : this plant is traditionally used as a condiment. In this sense, in addition to its properties as a chelating agent, it contains a large amount of vitamins, especially vitamins A and K and, to a lesser extent, vitamins B, C and E.
  • Garlic: This medicinal food, highly recommended for treating various diseases, will also be very useful in this treatment. Its depurative components help to expel all kinds of toxins from our body. As a maintenance, after the treatment, we can perform the famous Tibetan garlic cure.
  • Magnesium: This mineral does not have chelating properties, but it is very useful in facilitating the elimination of toxic elements.
heavy garlic metals

Final considerations

We must take these dietary supplements daily, in extracts or tablets, according to the maximum recommended dose for our case and for three months.

During detoxification, it is possible that we notice some detoxification symptoms such as pain, acne or diarrhea, which are the consequence of our body’s efforts to eliminate the substances. It is very important not to interrupt the treatment and drink plenty of water between meals to aid in clearance.

In addition, it is essential to always treat constipation, as it hinders the evacuation of these metals, which can result in new intoxication.

We also recommend that you always carry out this treatment under the supervision of your doctor or specialized therapist.

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