How To Cure The Liver With Whole Foods And Bitter Vegetables

The liver fulfills myriad functions essential to our health and well-being. It is common that we do not pay much attention to this organ and maintain a diet that we believe to be adequate and healthy, until, suddenly, a problem arises.
How to cure the liver with whole foods and bitter vegetables

The most common disease associated with the liver is hepatomegaly, a process in which this organ becomes inflamed, reaching a volume that, if left untreated, can result in something serious. Today we’ll talk about two wonderful liver health protectors: whole foods and bitter vegetables.

A diet high in fats, sugars, and highly refined or unnatural foods can poison the liver and prevent it from fulfilling its metabolic and depurative functions.

The Importance of Fiber to Liver Health

Doctors and nutritionists indicate that the first step in healing our livers is to maintain a healthy, fat-restricted diet  and, in addition, to be very concerned about the way we cook food.

The most suitable cooking techniques are grilling, baking, steaming or boiling food.

One type of food that we should start introducing into our daily lives is fiber. In this way, we want you to take these important health data into account.

Lack of fiber can raise cholesterol and blood glucose


You might be wondering why fiber is so important in our diet.

First, we must take into account that this element is essential when it comes to absorbing nutrients properly.

  • Insoluble fiber, for example, has  a laxative effect and takes care of the intestines. Clean bowels involve an easier time for nutrients to reach the bloodstream properly and not accompanied by toxins.
  • Soluble fiber, in turn, when fermented, has the ability to regulate cholesterol, take care of the intestinal flora and reduce the so-called bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Another fact that we must take into account is that, in the case of suffering from fatty liver, we tend to have hyperglycemia and some insulin resistance. That’s why we need foods with slow absorption, such as fiber-rich whole foods.
  • Remember that it is necessary to consume foods rich in fiber but without sugar.
  • The recommended fiber intake per day is 30 grams. If you want to boost your liver health, mark this amount as a goal.

Fiber-rich Foods You Should Consume

  • Oat
  • Brown rice
  • Wholemeal flour
  • Rye bread
  • Apples
  • pears
  • Lentils (in the salad, never the classic lentil dish so rich in fats and proteins)
  • Sugar free whole grains

The Benefits of Bitter Foods


Endives, broccoli, endives…  They are not usually the most desired foods by the majority of the population. A hamburger or a bun, for example, is always more attractive.

Now, what many people don’t know is that this bitter taste is due to a series of compounds that help us in all the following processes:

  • Favor the release of gastric juices.
  • Improve digestion thanks to its enzymes.
  • Help absorb nutrients.
  • Protect our liver helping with its basic functions of metabolizing and debugging.

Bitter vegetables help us detoxify the liver

  • Bitter vegetables like chicory, for example, are rich in phytonutrients that allow us to cleanse our liver of toxins and harmful elements.
  • They keep cholesterol at an adequate level, metabolize fats and purify the blood.

Natural source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

We must remember that the liver is an organ that needs  a constant supply of antioxidants and minerals. Thanks to these substances, we protect the liver cells from the attack of bacteria and toxins.

Vitamin C, for example, is also a building block that helps keep the liver healthy and strong.

Do bitter vegetables help us to cover all these needs? Certainly.

  • Bitter vegetables are very rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • They have a lot of fiber and folic acid .
  • They are very low in fat and sodium.

What bitter foods can we include in our diet?

  • Arugula
  • Broccoli
  • artichokes
  • Brussels sprout
  • Lettuce
  • bitter melon
  • Cucumber
  • Licorice
  • bitter mustard
  • Cauliflower
  • Cress
  • Chicory

It is also interesting to know what drinks can be consumed to take care of the liver. However, remember that beverages should be ingested with balance and should not be overdone.

  • Coffee
  • Tonic water (rich in quinine)
  • valerian infusion
  • Milk thistle infusion
  • White tea
  • Lemon juice
  • grapefruit juice

In conclusion, we cannot forget that the liver has the power to regenerate as a wonderful virtue. If we offer him adequate food, it is possible to cure him.

Still, always consider the recommendations made by doctors, and remember your particular needs by including whole foods and bitter vegetables in your diet.

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