How Sugar Affects Your Body: Everything You Need To Know

Although it is a necessary substance for the body, the fact is that excessive sugar consumption can affect the functioning of different organs and lead to serious health problems.
How Sugar Affects Your Body: Everything You Need to Know

Sugar is an essential substance for life, as well as being part of the most pleasurable foods; however, this compound is a double-edged weapon, in front of which it is necessary to know how to make a judgment.

In this article we will explain  how sugar consumption affects quality of life. First, you need to know that sugar is in your body in the form of glucose.

The importance of glucose

 Glucose is the body’s main source of energy, as it maintains its vital functions, such as regulating temperature, breathing or heartbeat, among others. In itself, this molecule is responsible for giving energy to your entire body.

It is nothing more than a simple sugar found in the blood. You can get it from food, especially carbohydrates. This type of substance is present in flour, fruits, rice and, of course, sweets.

When you eat, food breaks down into usable substances for the body. Carbohydrates are then turned into glucose; this will later turn into glycogen, which will be a store of energy stored in the liver.

How does sugar affect your body?

How does sugar affect your body?

The pancreas receives the signals that you have eaten a food and produces insulin, a hormone that will make your cells more sensitive so they can capture glucose. It is the bridge that allows the passage of glucose.

This goes to show that consuming carbohydrates is critical for you to keep your body active and vital, but you must do it in adequate amounts. It’s no secret how delicious candy, pizza, pasta and many other high-carbohydrate foods are.

You must remember that the latter are translated into huge amounts of sugar. This in turn represents damage to your own body, a lethal weapon; Excessive blood glucose, called hyperglycemia, does not imply that you will have a more energetic body. In fact, there is evidence to confirm that excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of becoming ill.

Consequences of Excess Blood Sugar

woman rejecting candy

This surplus generates diseases such as type 2 diabetes, where the pancreas still produces insulin, but the cells are unable to capture it and become resistant to this hormone. What does this imply? Your body will be unable to absorb glucose and you will feel tired.

Also, too much sugar has a specific effect: the urine becomes acidic. This causes a deficiency in the work of the different systems that make up your body. It can also generate different types of infections, causing a condition called ketoacidosis .

There is also another series of damages caused by excess glucose:

  • Getting fat, because the liver turns this excess fat into adipose tissue and can even cause obesity.
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  • Your tissues in general would be in danger, because this frame speeds up the oxidation process of the cells.
  • An effect that is little called has to do with the emotional impact, precisely because of all this alteration in the functioning of the brain. You can become highly irritated and upset when your blood glucose rises.

Sugar may be needed, in moderate amounts.

Sugar affects your body if consumed in excess

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