How Should People With Cirrhosis Be Fed?

Cirrhosis is a disease that has no cure, so it is essential to know which aspects to consider. Next, find out more about what foods a person with cirrhosis should eat and avoid.
How should people with cirrhosis be fed?

This pathology is the end result of liver damage that becomes chronic. American College of Gastroenterology

What is cirrhosis?

chronic disease leads to a change in organ architecture and functionality

According to several studies

liver with cirrhosis
The liver is the organ affected by cirrhosis.

Stages of the disease

There are two basic stages

  • Jaundice:
  • Ascites:
  • Encephalopathy:
  • gastrointestinal bleeding

Prevalence of malnutrition

Malnutrition is a very common sign in these patients. Several studies

we must add the lack of variety of foods consumed by bad habits of addiction

How should people with cirrhosis be fed?

Nutritional care for patients with liver cirrhosis the diet must contain all food groups and be low in fat

Spanish Association of Digestive Pathology Nursing

  • White and red meat, considering low-fat options.
  • Fishes.
  • Eggs
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Cereals and starches.
  • Raw oils in moderation.
  • Legumes.
  • Oilseeds in limited quantity.
  • Seeds.
  • Non-fat dairy products.

Research in this field indicates that protein intake should be 1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight to avoid deficiencies. It is also suggested to eat 5 meals a day with little volume.

Furthermore, alcohol and all toxic substances its elimination slows progression and improves prognosis remarkably.

take care of liver health
In cirrhosis, there is a loss of the structure and anatomy of the liver, which alters its function.

Feeding when there are express symptoms of the disease

 article published in the journal Pharmacy Professional

  • Limit fluid intake to 1.2 liters per day.
  • Restrict sodium intake, as it favors fluid accumulation and aggravates ascites.
  • Reduce protein consumption so as not to overload the liver, the main tissue responsible for metabolizing them.

encephalopathy patients

The introduction of vitamin complexes can also be considered . Additions of vitamins B and K are especially needed

The Liver Transplant Option

liver transplantation can be considered a treatment option.

rejection of the new body

What should we remember about feeding people with cirrhosis?

which leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body

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