How Does The Moon Affect Our Life?

Did you know that in the days around the full moon we take longer to sleep and we sleep less? On those days, brain activity related to deep sleep decreases by 30%.

Did you know that moon cycles considerably change our personality, mood and mood?

The earth’s natural satellite is believed to exert an influence not only on the physical but also on the emotional plane throughout life. Keep exploring our article and learn more about it.

The moon is more than the only natural satellite orbiting our planet; she is a great mystery in many ways. It goes unnoticed around us, every night, showing its same side.

The tides, for example, are totally influenced by it, as are our desires, instincts and moods.

It also exerts a great influence on the psyche, nature and development of plants; it is present throughout our existence, and that is why we need to know a little more about it in order to enjoy its benefits.

Research carried out at the University of Basel, Switzerland, indicated that the moon has a great influence on sleep perception, which can be subjective or objective according to the lunar cycle.

Therefore, on the days we are closer to the moon, our brain activity related to deep sleep decreases by 30%, so we take longer to fall asleep and we sleep less.

Different changes according to the lunar cycle


The moon’s influence can manifest itself in different ways according to your position:

New Moon

This phase occurs when the moon is conjunct the sun and starts a new cycle, it is ideal to start with new purposes. This can be applied not only for future projects, but also for quitting smoking, fasting, starting a diet, detoxifying from alcohol, etc.

On the psychological plane, the mind has more self-control and is more serene to overcome the needs related to changes in habits and eliminate excesses more easily.

It is also ideal for meditating, detoxifying the body, pruning diseased trees or plants, cutting hair if you want faster growth.

This period is not good for shaving, as the hair will grow faster. Furthermore, the new moon is ideal for exploring hidden places in our consciousness. This phase lasts between two and three days only.

crescent moon

When the moon’s luminosity increases, the body will also “absorb” everything faster, or in greater amounts.

In this phase, the body assimilates any substance or event in another way, so it is an excellent phase to start a vitamin diet, for example.

Be careful, because it’s also a risky period to gain weight (unless that’s the goal).

The crescent moon is good for recovering from shortages, even though it is true that if we consume something in quantity, the body will resist a bit to return to normality.

That’s why during these days it’s not advisable to drink a lot of alcohol, as its effects can be even more harmful.

Whoever wants their hair and nails to grow longer, now is the time to cut them. Applying ointments, gels or creams to regenerate the skin is very good, as the dermis will be more receptive.

Detox can be more difficult and persistent. This phase lasts around thirteen days and it is advisable to practice activities that revitalize or strengthen.

As for the economy, they say it is good for borrowing, looking for a job, selling or investing. It is also convenient to make contracts, alliances or associations.

But during this period we must not prune the fruit trees.

Full moon

This phase occurs when the moon is opposite the sun and fully reflected. The bodily tissues are subjected to a great deal of pressure and, in addition, distancing from feelings can occur.

This means that the instinctual side of the human being becomes more awake (that’s why mythology associated the transformation of the werewolf with the full moon).

The body can retain more fluid and tends to swell more easily. We need to pay attention to what we drink and eat.

The sensations, emotions and feelings are “under the skin” and psychosomatic disorders can occur, increase sleep disorders, suffer insomnia, nightmares, more colorful, real and intense dreams.

During the full moon it is not advisable to start diets to lose weight, and you need to be more careful with the side effects of medications.

It is also recommended to prevent headaches, which can be more intense and maintain the mood, not taking everything seriously or starting arguments.

This state is short-lived and its effect is really noticeable, for example, wounds bleed more, menstruation in women can be more intense and scheduled surgery can be dangerous.

It is common for people to be more aggressive. It is believed that anything done six hours before and six hours after this phase can end in failure.

Childbirths are on the rise, as is the incidence of nerve-related illnesses. People who have fine hair can choose to cut it during this period.

waning moon

The body “detaches” from what is left over, making it ideal for expending a lot of energy accumulated in previous phases.

You can eliminate fats, fluids, and toxins more easily, and it’s a good time to begin detox or cleansing cures, reduce swelling and irritation.

It is advisable to do activities that require effort and endurance, drink more water to eliminate everything that is bad in the body, start diets, cut nails and hair, remove warts, eliminate stains and treat scars.

Dental treatments and surgeries are usually more successful. In addition, it is a good time to plant and prune trees that bear fruit, and to plant vegetables and tubers.

On the sentimental side, ending relationships can be easier, or ending a partnership, for example.

True or not, this curious information can be experienced, and those who experience it will be able to tell us what happened. What do you think?

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