Garlic: A Potent Immune System Stimulator

Although the best known is allicin, garlic also brings us other nutrients that strengthen our immune system and improve our overall health. 
Garlic: a potent immune system stimulator

Garlic has a particular flavor and smell that have made it an ideal condiment for many meals, which has made its consumption spread much more across the planet.

In natural medicine, garlic plays a very important role. Its properties make it an excellent adjuvant to treat cardiovascular problems and, in addition, it helps to boost the immune system. Its use is recommended mainly on an empty stomach.

In this article we show you  the positive effects of garlic on the immune system. 

What is garlic?


It is an herbaceous plant that has broad leaves and small white flowers. The bulb, which is what everyone easily recognizes,  has a very intense smell and taste,  covered with a wrapping similar to paper. This bulb is made up of small pieces called teeth.

Garlic is a very common condiment. In fact, many recipes are based on its use, such as garlic soup or garlic chicken. Therefore, it can be applied to a wide variety of dishes in different presentations.

What are the components and properties of garlic?

Garlic has high nutritional levels. About 30% of its content is carbohydrates and 6% protein. In addition, it contains vitamins (groups B and C) and minerals (calcium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron) and fiber.

Also, it  contains allicin, a sulfur compound used for its medicinal properties  and is released when garlic is cut, crushed or chewed. It is also the cause of its particular smell.

Garlic also has antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidation. Its consumption is sometimes recommended on an empty stomach, as it provides several benefits.

What are the benefits of garlic on the immune system?

The components of garlic make it an excellent  antibiotic, antiviral and an ideal immune system stimulant. In fact, in different sizes and applications, it can be as effective as penicillin and tetracycline.

Helps to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer. Among the benefits we find in garlic are:

Reduces fat levels

Garlic improves circulation

Consuming garlic improves cardiovascular health  as it reduces fats such as triglycerides and uric acid, thanks to nicotinamide. It also prevents the formation of clots and the development of bacteria that cause meningitis, typhus, pneumonia or diphtheria.

In addition, it contains diallyl trisulfide, which is a compound that protects the heart during heart surgery. It is also recommended to consume it after a heart attack to help your recovery.

Prevention of premature births

To avoid premature births it is recommended to eat nuts and vegetables with  allium. This is one of the compounds that garlic contains, so it is a good ally for pregnancy.

From an immune point of view, its consumption during pregnancy is of  great help in preventing microbial infections.

Strengthens the bone system

This benefit dates back to ancient Greece when Olympic athletes were given garlic to  improve their performance in sports.

  • Garlic is rich in calcium, which is why it is ideal for alleviating arthrosis and osteoporosis.
  • In addition, it  helps to eliminate toxic waste from the joints  and helps to increase bone nutrients.


Its antibiotic properties make garlic an excellent  ally to treat bronchitis, hypertension, tuberculosis,  flatulence, liver disorders, rheumatism, diabetes and even fever. All of these conditions are related to a fragile immune system. Therefore, garlic helps to strengthen it to prevent them from appearing.

Prevention of brain tumors

The organic sulfur compounds contained in this natural product help to destroy cells in glioblastomas. That’s a kind of deadly brain tumor.

Both sulfur and other components of garlic contribute  to controlling the growth of tumor cells in the brain. They also prevent the cellular development of other types of microorganisms and bacteria.

Reduces liver or alcohol damage

Drinking alcoholic beverages for a long time and in large amounts can cause liver damage, in addition to other damage to the body.

The diallyl disulfide contained in garlic  has protective effects against the oxidative stress effect that ethanol produces. Anyone who consumes alcohol can regulate the negative effect of alcohol with this natural product.

Purifies the skin

A mixture of garlic and honey is  ideal for eliminating infections caused by lice or dandruff.

It also helps to eliminate warts and any kind of skin change of this type. Therefore, it is used in many dermatological products.

Antioxidant function

Containing vitamins A, B and C, it  helps protect the body from free radicals. It also contains phosphorus, which makes it an ideal nerve sedative. In addition, it is an antidepressant, as its properties make it increase vitality.

There are several ways to consume garlic. Overall, it is recommended to eat a garlic clove on an empty stomach to get the full benefits.

If you’re worried about bad breath, you can chew parsley leaves to fight it and, of course, brush your teeth.

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