Exercises To Prevent And Treat Varicose Veins

To stimulate blood circulation and improve varicose veins, it is very important that we do some physical activity. We recommend walking for half an hour a day, swimming or cycling.
Exercises to prevent and treat varicose veins   

Varicose veins form after some inflammation in the veins. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about some exercises to prevent and treat varicose veins.

Veins have some valves that work in one direction and cause blood to flow to the heart.

When these valves become weakened, blood accumulates in the veins, forming clots that form varicose veins, which often take on the appearance of tiny blue or purple threads.

Varicose veins usually appear in the legs, however, they can also appear in other parts of the body.

Most of the time, they cause few signs and symptoms, and the truth is that anyone can suffer from varicose veins, especially if they have an advanced age, overweight or a sedentary life.

Varicose veins can be treated with medical procedures, however, the first recommendation is, if they appear, change your lifestyle.

First, if you suffer from varicose veins, you need to strengthen the muscles of your legs and encourage the smooth functioning of your veins. For this, you will have to perform many exercises that are easy, practical and do not require any type of apparatus.

Therefore, you can do them anywhere in your home at any time.

Pay attention to the following exercises and try to do them several times a day, leaving time for the muscles to rest and recover.

Exercises to prevent and treat varicose veins: lying down

Exercises to prevent varicose veins

When you lie down to rest in your spare time, take the opportunity to perform these exercises:

  • Lean on your back and lift your legs, place them on the wall. This position will facilitate the flow of circulation, as well as give you a feeling of rest.
  • You can also lift your straight legs, spread them apart, and rejoin them several times.
  • In the same position, lift your legs and start pedaling in the air. Also make circle shapes with your feet.
  • Bend one leg to your chest, holding the position for a few seconds, then switch legs; this exercise is to work your calf muscles.
  • With your legs straight, flex your toes about 20 times per session.

Exercises to prevent and treat varicose veins: sitting

Correct way to sit to avoid varicose veins

If at home or because of work, you need to spend a lot of time sitting, perform these exercises:

  • Stretch and curl your legs constantly to facilitate blood circulation.
  • Separate and bring your toes together. Repeat at least 30 times per session. Remember that it is important that you do these exercises constantly throughout the day to get the best effect.
  • Rest your heels on the floor, lift your toes, lower and lift your heels several times.

Exercises to prevent and treat varicose veins: standing

Walking exercise to prevent varicose veins

  • Walk on your tiptoes and then on your heels.
  • Without moving in place, do push-ups stopping on your toes and heels.

Recommendations for preventing and treating varicose veins

Leg massages to prevent varicose veins

Massage your legs

Keeping your skin hydrated helps keep it smooth and healthy; constant massage around the affected area helps to relieve discomfort and reduce swelling.

  • Apply short, circular massages to move the accumulated blood so that the flow returns to its path to the heart.
  • Ascending from the feet to the abdomen, spread the moisturizing cream; this helps to clear clogged fluids, salts, fats and toxins from the blood vessels.

maintain an ideal weight

Keeping weight to prevent varicose veins

Although it is often difficult to stay at the recommended weight, it is necessary to maintain it for your health and aesthetics. Overweight is one of the factors that most cause poor circulation.

It’s the same with gaining and losing weight, so try to keep your body weight steady.

Avoid spending too much time in the same position

Avoiding too long in the same position prevents the appearance of varicose veins

There are activities that require you to spend a long time standing or sitting, but your legs should have movement from time to time, so take the time to do the exercises we indicated above.

Varicose veins do not necessarily have to be treated by a doctor, but there are situations where this is necessary, especially when they cause pain.

The appearance of varicose veins becomes increasingly noticeable when the leg reddens or ulcers appear.

When doing a physical activity, it is recommended to walk constantly, for at least 30 minutes.

Swimming is also an excellent exercise for varicose veins as it makes the blood circulation work properly and also strengthens the muscles in the body.

Cycling also works to fight this problem, as it regulates pressure and stimulates blood flow in the veins.

If you perform these exercises regularly and with dedication, it will be possible to prevent and treat varicose veins.

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