Eliminate Gas Naturally With These Exercises

Although diet and eating habits play a key role, to eliminate gas we can also consider some advice and exercises that will help alleviate these discomforts.
Eliminate gas naturally with these exercises

While you’ve heard that complete bed rest can be helpful when it comes to eliminating gas naturally, it’s best to do some light exercise to make the discomfort go away.

Gases are naturally produced in the body by breaking down the food eaten. They may appear mild or intense, often producing acute pain.

It’s common and usually bothers people a lot, but it usually doesn’t cause more than that. Therefore, relief can easily be found in questions like the following exercises, which we will discuss with you.

Types of gases and their causes

Gases can manifest in two ways. The first of these are belching, whose causes we find:

  • Chewing gum.
  • Eating very quickly.
  • Ingest excess air through the mouth (causing air to enter the digestive tract)

The other way in which gases are manifest the  flatulence that are generated in the lower part of the digestive system,  directly through food.

Among the foods that favor the appearance of flatulence we find:

  • Cabbages.
  • Legumes.
  • Dry fruits.
  • Sparkling drinks.

These foods often produce great discomfort in the digestive system. This situation, in addition to causing physical discomfort, can often make us feel embarrassed.

Eliminate gas naturally when exercising

These exercises can be performed by both adults and children without any inconvenience. The most important thing is to  keep the body moving so that the gases move through the digestive system and finally can be expelled from the body.

1. Riding a bicycle

It is an activity that is often very popular among people of different ages. It can be done outdoors or with an exercise bike, if you prefer. Everything will depend, to a great extent, on the time each one has.

With these movements we are able to activate the stomach and, as a result, expel gases more easily. So we get a release in a natural way without it causing a major problem.

2. The bow posture

The  dhanurasana  or bow posture is another very beneficial yoga exercise for getting rid of gas. With this position, we strengthen the muscles, keeping them firm. You will get great relief by reducing excess flatulence and constipation.

Thus, yoga also serves to eliminate the gases produced by menstrual cramps. To perform this posture, you just have to lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out at your sides, while your legs should also be straightened.

  • You should bend your knees with your feet forward so that you can support your ankles with your hands.
  • Hold this posture for a few seconds and you’ll get great results.

3. Perform the child’s posture

Eliminate gas naturally when performing the child’s posture. You can do this by sitting on your knees, leaning forward and stretching your arms. This posture must be maintained for at least 30 seconds.

  • Another variant is lying on your back, lifting your legs apart while bending your knees.
  • In this pose, grab your feet with your hands and rock for at least 30 seconds. It is very effective in eliminating gases.
Child's Posture: Eliminate Gas Naturally

4. Mobilization of hips

This exercise is very easy and has great benefits in terms of eliminating gas from the body:

  • Just lie down in a comfortable spot with your knees slightly bent. The arms should be straight at the sides of the head.
  • Then rotate your hips, moving your knees from side to side.
  • As you perform the movements, breathe gently: just  move your legs trying to move your torso and shoulders in the same place.

5. Snake posture

Eliminate gas naturally with this yoga pose. Simply place yourself on a comfortable surface with your stomach down, resting your toes on the floor and your hands below your shoulders.

  • Stretch your arms as you take in the air, so that  your chest gradually detaches itself from the floor, without moving the rest of your body.
  • Simultaneously contract the gluteal muscles. You should hold this position for at least 30 seconds, always breathing through your nose.

Eliminate gases naturally by moving!

As you can see, it is possible to eliminate gases when moving. Of course, remember that you should always do the exercises slowly and smoothly. You don’t need to be in a hurry.

Spend some time doing a series of these exercises and you will be able to eliminate gas from your body and avoid discomfort. And if you want even more comfort, prepare a delicious digestive infusion at the end of the series.

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