Conscious Isolation, What Do You Need To Resolve?

Although it’s a little scary to be alone and silent, sometimes conscious isolation is necessary to resolve our inner conflicts and rediscover our essence.
Conscious isolation, what do you need to resolve?

Conscious isolation is one that a person chooses of his own volition, because he needs or wants it. However, there are those who see this as something negative, a rare situation that is totally rejected.

In the society we live in, isolating oneself is not well regarded. That’s why we are so prone to seek external approval or depend on our partners.

We don’t want to be alone or feel cut off from the rest of the world. This is considered a very bad thing, but what if it’s actually something we need?

Conscious isolation allows an encounter with ourselves

conscious isolation

Always relying on others, trying to please for the simple fact that we are afraid of being abandoned and left alone, in the end, ends up being exhausting.

However, this is not the worst of the consequences of this type of attitude. But, yes the fact that, when we realize it, we will be aware that we have lost our way along the way. And we are surprised to realize that we no longer know who we are.

Where is that person we knew so well before? When did we stop listening to ourselves and start to be guided by what others told us?

With small actions that we perform in our daily lives, we learn to ignore ourselves. Thus, we reach the point where we live totally conditioned by the outside.

However, there comes a time when we suffer, when we are not happy, not even when we are among friends.

It’s not that others are toxic people. It was our fears, our continual attempts to please and to be perfect, that made us establish toxic relationships for ourselves, for our health.

Therefore, conscious isolation can help us to find ourselves again. That person that we really are and that we leave aside, but that still awaits us.

A new perspective

conscious isolation

Above all, conscious isolation allows us to have a new perspective on everything that happens around us.

As we all know, sometimes we make decisions that don’t do us any good, or we respond in ways we don’t really want to because we lack perspective.

Taking this time for ourselves will help us see problems as opportunities, mistakes as learning, and people as mirrors that tell us about ourselves.

At this point, we realize that conscious isolation arises when there is something in our life that we have to resolve.

Whether it’s because we’ve fallen into depression, we’re not knowing how to manage our relationships well, or because there are fears we don’t want to face.

With all of this, there was a disconnect with our true selves, which is important to recover.

Because, even though we look for help, we know it’s inside of us. Just give us a break and listen.

The solution is always within us, although it is true that sometimes we need a push, a help.

However, that things change for the good for us is a responsibility that lies only in our hands.

Conscious isolation allows us to pamper ourselves

conscious isolation

When we have a problem, we sometimes lack pampering and caring for ourselves. We always hope that others will give it to us, but we don’t realize that we have to start loving ourselves.

We are always depending on other people, and we are too little concerned with our own self, perhaps because we believe that this is something selfish.

However, when isolation beckons us it is because it is time to focus on ourselves and no one else.

Conscious isolation helps us prioritize, pamper ourselves, and listen when we feel lost and no longer know who we are.

Spending time in solitude can be positive to see a situation from a new perspective, to let go of an emotional dependency or to be able to overcome a pain.

Avoiding conscious isolation when we feel and need it can be a mistake. Our fears or what they are going to say, including the fear of losing the other person, should not condition us.

Our well-being comes first.

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