Coconut Oil To Prevent Dental Infections

Did you know that coconut oil is an ideal ingredient for both rinsing and brushing our teeth and taking care of our oral health?
Coconut Oil to Prevent Dental Infections

The effectiveness of coconut oil, according to studies

The effectiveness of coconut oil, according to studies

Treatment for dental infections

  • In the morning: rinses.
  • At night: brushing like toothpaste.

1. Daily rinses

Daily rinses or mouthwashes with vegetable oil are an ancient technique to improve the health of the mouth and even the entire digestive system. Although it can also be done with sesame oil, in this case we propose extra virgin coconut oil for its high antibacterial power.

By rinsing for a long time, we can make a very deep cleaning of the mouth. On the other hand, we can also balance the entire digestive tract.

In this way, we can easily eliminate bacteria and toxins without altering the delicate oral pH. In addition, we also eliminate plaque, improve breath and relieve gum inflammation.

How to make?

How to make?
Rinsing with coconut or sesame oil, “oil pulling”, is one of the pillars of Ayurvedic medicine.
  • As soon as you get up, before consuming any food, put 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil (15 ml) in your mouth. It is essential that the oil is of the highest quality.
  • Start giving a mouthwash trying to put the oil in all parts of the mouth. It’s not gargling, because the oil doesn’t have to go up your throat.
  • Keep rinsing for about 20 minutes. During this time notice how the oil’s dense texture becomes lighter and watery, which is a good sign.
  • Afterwards, after the minutes, spit out the oil (best in the trash) and brush your teeth with the usual toothpaste.
  • We recommend waiting at least 15 minutes before breakfast and always start with a glass of water to help flush out toxins from your body.
  • Perform this treatment every morning.

2. Natural toothpaste

To keep a mouth healthy and resistant to tooth infections, we recommend choosing natural toothpastes. In this way we will avoid components such as sulphates, fluorine and other additives  that can alter the pH of saliva.

We can find very effective natural alternatives that contain vegetable and essential oils, xylitol, clay, activated charcoal, etc.

natural toothpaste
Coconut oil has proven to be a useful and effective ingredient in dental treatment, but it also tastes great.


We should always brush our teeth after each of the three main meals. In this case, to reinforce this natural treatment, we should replace the toothpaste with coconut oil in one of the three daily brushings.

This oil will be converted into a natural toothpaste supplement to strengthen your mouth’s defenses. In addition, we will be able to notice results quickly.

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