Childhood Constipation: What It Is And How To Fight It

Poor nutrition and low water consumption often contribute to childhood constipation. Fortunately, there are simple tips and natural remedies that make treatment easier.
Childhood constipation: what it is and how to fight it

Childhood constipation, or constipation, is one of the disorders that can cause concern among parents. Although it is one of the most common disorders in children, it  is one of the main reasons for consulting pediatricians.

Although it is not considered a disease, its development can lead to other digestive symptoms that make the child feel unwell. In addition, in many cases, it is often repeated and prolonged, requiring the use of medical treatments.

The good news is that this problem can almost always be resolved with dietary changes and some natural remedies. Find out in this article all the details of this condition and its treatments.

What is childhood constipation?

Childhood constipation  occurs when the frequency of bowel movements decreases. In children, it is difficult to identify it, as the number of daily bowel movements varies at each age. However, in general, this condition can be detected when there are fewer than three bowel movements per week or when the stools are hard and dry.

Childhood constipation causes abdominal pain

The problem can affect both babies and children. On the other hand, it  can occur acutely or chronically, according to its development and duration. That is, it is acute when it occurs in a specific period and chronic when it lasts up to a year.

Constipation symptoms in children

To recognize the symptoms of childhood constipation, it  is important to know the child’s habits. That way, when she decreases the number of times she goes to the bathroom, her alerts can be activated. In addition to having fewer bowel movements per week, symptoms may include:

  • hard and dry stools
  • Too much effort or pain when evacuating
  • loss of appetite
  • Abdominal distension
  • Frequent belching and gas

What are the causes of constipation in children?

Cases of childhood constipation rarely originate from a single organic cause. Although it can be the result of an anatomical change in the colon or rectum, it is  most often associated with poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

Factors that favor the emergence of this condition include:

  • Low consumption of water and foods with fiber
  • Abuse of astringent foods (banana, potato, rice, apple, chocolate and sweets)
  • Disorders at mealtimes
  • Peristalsis misadjustment
  • Introduction of solid foods in young children or infants
  • emotional stress
  • family predisposition
  • consumption of some drugs
  • Holding stool (the urge to go to the bathroom)

Tips to fight childhood constipation

Improve food

The first step is to improve your diet and incorporate fiber-rich foods. This nutrient participates in digestion and promotes the expulsion of feces. It can be found, for example, in whole grains and fruits and vegetables.

offer more liquid

A good contribution of healthy water and fluids is essential for the control of childhood constipation. This is because the  fluids increase the volume of fiber and allow the stool to become softer to facilitate its passage through the intestine.

Drinking water helps fight childhood constipation

give a gentle massage

This simple measure is calming for babies and young children. Since massage promotes intestinal transit, its application reduces constipation. To achieve this effect,  the movements must be deep and circular, clockwise.

Encourage games and sports

Physical activity plays an important role in controlling childhood constipation. Sedentary children are more likely to develop this problem. In contrast,  young children who are active enjoy better intestinal and digestive health.

Home Remedies to Fight Childhood Constipation

Health professionals and pediatricians only advise the use of laxatives when strictly necessary. Since heavy digestion is often the result of poor eating, some natural remedies can help.

Infusion of plums

The laxative properties of plums  favor the expulsion of retained stools and stimulate bowel movement.  While it is valid to prepare them as juice, they can also be made into a simple infusion.


  • 1 plum
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Boil the plum in a glass of water and let it rest.
  • When ready, strain and drink.

mode of use

  • Give the child 30 to 90 ml of infusion twice a day.

Aloe and oil

This remedy does not have the most pleasant taste, however it  is one of the best solutions against intestinal problems in children.

Oil remedy for childhood constipation


  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 ml)
  • 3 drops of aloe


  • Combine the oil with the aloe.

mode of use

  • Offer the medicine when the child is fasting.

honey with milk

Treatment of honey with milk is a favorite to relieve this condition, since the  children take it very easily.


  • 2 tablespoons of organic honey (20 g)
  • 1 glass of lactose-free milk (200 ml)


  • Add honey to glass of milk and mix until well dissolved.

mode of use

  • Offer the child to drink before going to bed or on an empty stomach.

Are you noticing any symptoms of constipation in your child? Be sure to apply all the recommendations given. If the problem persists, consult your pediatrician.

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