Best Infusions To Cleanse The Liver

A cup of dandelion tea after eating will help with digestion. In addition, it cleanses the liver, stimulates its functions and improves its functioning.

The liver eliminates bacteria, toxins, viruses, pesticides, medicines and other harmful elements for our body. Therefore, it can sometimes collapse and need cleaning. Liver cleansing infusions are an excellent natural remedy and will help.

Biological medicine generally recommends detoxification as the first step in the treatment of any illness, which leads to a balanced health. Thus, to avoid liver disease, it is essential to perform a cleansing cure with plants of the wise nature once or twice a month. Let’s try?

How do you know if you need to clean your liver?

best infusions to cleanse the liver

Intoxicated, inflamed and dysfunctional liver usually presents the following symptoms:

  • abdominal weight
  • inappetence
  • Ingested food creates indisposition, nausea, malaise
  • Diarrhea
  • Episodes of fever: an unmistakable sign that there is something wrong with our body, that we have an inflammation
  • intestinal gas
  • Headaches
  • Pains in the liver area (the liver is located directly under the diaphragm, on the upper right side)
  • skin rash
  • Bad breath

Infusions to cleanse the liver

artichoke infusion

artichoke infusion

One of the amazing infusions to cleanse the liver. Helps protect, cleanse and cure liver disease. The infusion is rich in folic acid, vitamins A1, B1 and C, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and dietary fiber.

Furthermore, it is a wonderful resource, suitable to be taken in the morning for at least five days in a row every fortnight. So we will clean the liver regularly.

Method of preparation

  • First, take two artichoke leaves and boil them with a cup of water.
  • Then let it sit for 15 minutes and drink slowly.
  • In case of liver disease, take three times a day.

Infusion of milk thistle

thistle infusion

The secret of this plant is in its seeds, which contain silymarin, a powerful antioxidant from the flavonoid family that promotes liver regeneration, facilitates fat digestion and inhibits the entry of toxic substances into liver cells.

Thus, it is a very suitable and necessary resource for liver cleansing.

Method of preparation

  • Milk thistle seeds are available at any health food store. It is one of the most sold natural products, although it is not possible to achieve 100% of its benefits through infusion, since silymarin is an active ingredient that is not very soluble in water.
  • Experts recommend taking the capsules or pills. However, if you want to make an infusion, add a small dessert spoon with the crushed seeds to a cup of boiling water, then let it sit for 20 minutes.

sage infusion


This infusion is perfect to eliminate toxins, relieve liver discomfort and cleanse. However, take after meals.

Method of preparation

  • Salvia is easy to find. Many people grow their own medicinal herbs and it is common to have this plant at home. Thus, it is possible to buy it in health food stores​​.
  • The infusion is prepared with four grams of leaves and flowers per cup of boiled water. Then let it sit for 15 minutes.

dandelion infusion

dandelion infusion to take care of the liver

Dandelion infusion stimulates liver functions, purifies and improves liver performance. Thus, taking it in the middle of the afternoon or even after meals will help with digestion.

Method of preparation

Just a handful of your flowers or leaves. First, boil in a cup of water and let it rest. Finally, drink up to two cups a day.

Boldo infusion

Bilberry Benefits

Another one of the infusions to cleanse the liver.

Boldo has digestive properties, takes care of the stomach, intestines and, above all, protects the liver.

So, it’s a wonderful ally.

Method of preparation

It is also possible to find this plant in health food stores. Its preparation is easy.

  • First, add a teaspoon of dried leaves to every cup of boiled water.
  • Then let it sit and take it after meals.

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