Benefits Of Eating Citrus For Breakfast

Did you know that vitamin C and orange antioxidants are a perfect ally against aging and gastrointestinal problems? By consuming your juice daily, we get several benefits

Our grandmothers always say that in order not to get sick we have to eat oranges (or drink their juice). In the following article we will show some of the advantages of consuming citrus fruits in the first hour of the morning.

Properties of citrus fruits you didn’t know

The idea is to demystify a little the great power of oranges, lemons and tangerines, but not to belie their ability to strengthen the immune system, but to know that they have many other properties.

In addition to helping us cure a cold (or prevent it) due to its supply of vitamin C, a citrus tree has a lot more to offer.

It is an  inexhaustible mine of natural benefits  that is well worth taking advantage of at any time of year.

We detail below some of the advantages of consuming citrus:

Care and tone the skin

Tangerines bring us medicinal and cosmetic benefits thanks to vitamin C. We don’t get them just by consuming it, but also by applying it as an ingredient in a natural mask.

What is it for? To  tone the skin, eliminate impurities and treat irritation. However, when it comes to eating the fruit, it is known to improve blood circulation.

reduce stress


Oranges in particular are excellent allies in the battle against tiredness, chronic fatigue and nervousness.

This is due to the fact that these fruits have very beneficial substances (including calcium, iron and magnesium) that reduce stress. These elements also enhance vision, improve intestinal transit and strengthen bones.

Thanks to citric acids and mineral salts, orange improves our mood. That is why it is advisable to drink a delicious juice in the morning. Guaranteed smiles all day long!

Treat post-holiday syndrome

Lemon fights viral diseases and helps us lose weight.

On the other hand, it has also been shown  to eliminate the depression, apathy and lack of concentration that are  so common when we return to work after the holidays.

This syndrome that brings anxiety, bad mood and headache can be treated simply by adding this citrus to salads.

It is also recommended to drink lemon tea in the morning (half an hour before breakfast) to feel more excited and balance our emotions.

Combat insomnia

In this case use the other part of the tree (not the fruit). Orange leaves are ideal for relaxing after lying in bed. Unlike juice, it is advisable to drink tea at night to obtain these results.

Its sedative properties will make you fall asleep and rest as you should in just a few minutes.

During the day (including breakfast) this infusion can help reduce fever, reduce headaches and treat digestive problems, especially when they are caused by stress.

eliminate toxins

citrus fruits

Grapefruit is one of the least known citrus fruits, even though it has wonderful cleansing properties. It is ideal for eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body.

As if that were not enough, this fruit also helps us to:

  • Prevent anemia;
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Balance the amount of sugar in your blood.

Grapefruit also has antiseptic properties. If we consume grapefruit juice on an empty stomach, we can burn accumulated fat in the abdomen region.

Orange juice remains the best option

Orange juice

In addition to the benefits of lemon, tangerine or grapefruit, no one can deny that orange is the main feature of mornings in homes all over the world.

A coffee or tea, some milk, some toast and… some orange juice. If it’s freshly squeezed, even better.

Like other citrus fruits, this fruit increases bile secretion and stimulates gallbladder emptying. Therefore, it reduces disorders related to this imbalance: feeling of stomach heaviness, headaches, pressure on the right side of the abdomen, etc.

Many people avoid drinking orange juice on an empty stomach because the stomach is empty and the amount of bile increases the chances of vomiting or stomach pain.

However, it is necessary to put up with these slight inconveniences to be able to enjoy the benefits, such as, for example, hemoglobinizing the blood and controlling body weight.

Oranges contain a good amount of antioxidants. These combine with vitamin C to fight aging and relieve gastrointestinal problems  (eg ulcers and gastritis).

They also help to improve wound healing or speed up post-operative processes and prevent disease.

The best option for breakfast

If you add a spoonful of honey to the highly prized orange juice (to reduce the slightly sour or sour taste of some varieties), it can complement your breakfast.

This ingredient with essential carbohydrates and sugars is a kind of gasoline for the body. You won’t lack energy all day!

A good idea to enjoy all the benefits of citrus fruits from the early hours of the morning is to prepare a “combined” juice.


  • 1 orange
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1/2 apple

  • Peel the carrot and cut it into slices.
  • Squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon.
  • Remove the center of the apple and cut it into cubes.
  • Put everything in the blender jar and blend for a few seconds.
  • If you like, add a little honey to sweeten it.
  • Drink it straight away (if it’s too thick, add some water or ice cubes in summer).


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