Back Contractures: Natural Remedies

When the contracture has an emotional component and is recurrent, we should think about changing some attitudes.
Back Contractures: Natural Remedies

More and more people suffer from muscle contractures due to sedentary lifestyle, hours spent in front of the computer or stress; but also due to emotional issues or organ problems.  

Read in this article for the best tips to relieve back contractures.

We’ll introduce you to the meanings of each contracture, as well as some very effective therapies and simple natural remedies to prepare at home.

In short, a contracture is a continued and involuntary contraction of a muscle or some of its fibers.

The affected area may be bulky, painful and/or preventing proper mobility.

Psychosomatics of back contractures

Contractures are not just a physical issue. They also have an emotional side, relating to an emotion that has not been expressed, that is, it has been held back rather than being expelled.

According to the area where the contracture appears, it has one meaning or another: 

  • rhomboids : anger
  • Trapezies : inability and frustration
  • Cervical: excessive responsibility
  • Dorsals : fear
  • Lumbars : frustrations

If we have a contracture once we don’t need to give it much importance.

However, we must pay attention if it happens repeatedly in the same place.

In this case, some attitude must be changed.

the organs

As well as being related to emotions, contractures can also be caused by inflammation of the organ under the muscle.

Thus, the most common are:

  • Kidney s: upper lower back
  • Liver  and gallbladder : upper central part on the right side and right trapezius.
  • Stomach : upper central part of the left side and left trapezius.
  • heart : cervical
  • Lung : left trapezius

Cupping or cupping therapy for the back

This technique is an ancient therapeutic method employed in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In short, it consists of using a kind of crystal cup to make a vacuum effect to attach to the body, sucking the skin and part of the muscles.

With that, it opens the pores and moves the blood and lymphatic circulation.

In this way, the muscle is de-inflamed and the pain is relieved within 10 or 15 minutes. Although we can go to a therapist, it is also possible to purchase a lot of suction cups in natural or Chinese medicine centers and make them at home.

There are some suction cups that come with a suction device and are the safest and easiest to use.

In addition, you can also apply a little sesame or almond oil and drag the suction cup to massage the area.

If there is inflammation, you can see how it reddens and darkens.

Furthermore, it may be that the signs persist for a few days, but within a few minutes you will notice a lot of improvement.

In addition, it will also improve the organ corresponding to the area in the back.

Cupping or cupping therapy for back contractures

Sulfur bars for back contractures

Sulfur bars are yellow cones of the mineral that work very simply.

In summary, sulfur is a mineral that has the property of absorbing static electricity.

When passing the bar through the affected area you can hear how they creak and sometimes break in two or more parts as they collapse.

When this happens, the bar can no longer be reused. If the bar does not break it can be submerged for two minutes in cold water and used again.

Namely, this technique is widely used in South American countries.


While we have contractures, we must take care of our diet, avoiding inflammatory foods and increasing the consumption of those that deflate.

Which ones are they?

Foods that deflame

  • Natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrots, celery, etc.)
  • Red pepper
  • Chia seeds
  • Nuts
  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
Foods That Help Fight Back Contractures


Foods that ignite

  • dairy
  • white sugar
  • Red meat
  • refined flours
  • fried food

three old remedies

  1. Put alternate compresses of warm and cold water on the painful part, massage with warm sesame oil and in parallel take infusions of boldo and rosemary, three glasses a day.
  2. Boil water with ginger and place a towel in this water. Put a dry towel on your back first, then the ginger towel. Cover the entire area with another dry towel and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Boil whole green cabbage leaves for a few minutes . Allow to cool for a few seconds and apply directly to the skin. You can cover it with a cloth or gauze.

Images courtesy of netdoktor y winnie3

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