Acne Conglobata: Causes And Symptoms

Acne conglobata is a special type of acne that causes more severe symptoms. It involves more extensive scars, easily visible, which undermine the patient’s self-esteem.
Acne conglobata: causes and symptoms

Acne conglobata is a  chronic variant of acne. It differs by having blackheads, cystic nodules, fistulas and abscesses, which give rise to deforming scars. It predominantly affects men.

It usually occurs between 15 and 25 years of age. It may appear on its own, but it is usually associated with patients with acne vulgaris. Lesions are mainly located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders. In this article, we will explain what it is and what its specific characteristics are.

What is acne and acne conglobata?

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease. It is one of the most common pathologies in teenagers and young people. In fact, it is the most frequent cause of dermatological consultations at this stage of life.

Specifically, it is a  pilosebaceous follicle disorder. Its etiology is multifactorial. It is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, such as increased sebum production, secondary inflammation, increased sensitivity to androgens, among others.

hormonal action

Acne lesions are blackheads. However, these can evolve and lead to papules and pustules, and even nodules and cysts. So there are different ways to classify acne:

  • According to the age of submission. It can be neonatal, infant, child, pre-adolescent, adolescent and adult.
  • According to the predominant lesion. Here we find acne comedone, papule-pustular or nodule-cystic.
  • It can be mild, moderate or severe.
  • Special shapes. This is where we find acne conglobata.

This is considered a special form because it is more severe. Acne conglobata tends to leave more extensive scars. Also, your wounds extend beyond the typical acne spots. They can affect the glutes, abdomen, armpits, etc. In short, it is defined as one of the most severe and chronic variants of acne.

Symptoms of Acne Conglobata

The clinical picture is characterized by:

  • Blackheads, papules and pustules.
  • Inflamed nodules and abscesses.
  • Pain in every injury. Most lesions become highly inflamed. That’s why they hurt so much.
  • Ulceration.
  • Smelly suppuration.
  • Skin damage and deformation.
  • Irregular scars. They can progress to hypertrophic scars and keloids.

Acne conglobata is sometimes accompanied by blood disorders such as anemia and leukocytosis. Lesions can be sterile or infected by some microorganisms. The most common bacteria is Propionibacterium acnes.

Physical symptoms are evident. However, the psychological impact of this pathology must be highlighted. Acne conglobata causes numerous self-esteem problems. Furthermore, the patient may feel insecure.


Woman with mild acne

As already mentioned, the causes of acne conglobata are multiple. Contrary to popular belief, diet has not been shown to directly influence its origin. The main triggers are:

  • Increase in sebum production. It seems that your composition is also changed. The sebaceous glands also increase in size.
  • Alteration of keratinization. This leads to blackhead formation. That is, the altered sebum irritates the follicular wall. Keratinized cells flake off and cannot be removed. So they accumulate. A conglomerate of cells and fat is formed, which is the clove.
  • Presence of Propionibacterium acnesIt is a bacterium that feeds on sebum. Therefore, it proliferates more easily.
  • Inflammatory process. It is believed to be due to follicular erosion and bacteria.

Furthermore,  the appearance of acne conglobata is related to androgen hormones. They are the hormones that cause an increase in sebum production. This relationship is associated with different processes. First, it is believed that there is an increased sensitivity of the follicles to androgens. It could also be due to a very high level of them.

Finally, it was observed that there are factors that aggravate the pathology. Sun exposure and stress are two examples.


Acne conglobata is a complicated condition. It causes  very painful injuries that affect the patient’s life. Not only do they physically influence, but they compromise a person’s self-esteem and stability.

Therefore, it is important to detect and treat it as soon as possible, as early treatment will reduce the incidence of scarring and its severity.

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