A Successful Education For Children With Down

Children with Down syndrome require more support, affection and attention from their parents. However, for a successful education, it is advisable that they engage in activities that develop and stimulate their skills.
A successful education for children with Down

Children with Down syndrome have the same needs and should be treated like any other child.

In educating these children, good communication from parents, attention to health and nutrition and, above all, support from the whole family is essential.

So, if you have a child with this change, also try to get him involved in some activity to develop his skills and explore his talents.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic alteration that is the result of an additional copy that occurs on chromosome 21. The anomaly occurs in 1 of every 1,000 births and is considered one of the most common worldwide.

The causes of Down syndrome are not very clear. There is a percentage of cases of children with Down syndrome that are hereditary and there are also other cases that are associated with the age of the mother. Furthermore, there is no specific cause that causes this syndrome.

girl with down

Physically, children with Down syndrome share certain characteristics. For example, almond-shaped eyes, mouth, lips and small ears are some of its characteristics.

However, these children can have completely different personalities. Your way of learning and your sense of humor may also be different. What is certain is that these children enjoy great emotional intelligence and enjoy expressing affection.

How to treat children with Down syndrome?

Parenting children with Down syndrome is a positive adventure. However, it can be a bit disturbing for some people due to the lack of information on this topic.

If your child has this change, don’t be scared. Your child’s upbringing can be completely conventional, especially if it is guided by your caring and that of the family.

There are many tips on how to treat children with Down syndrome. The fundamental thing you need to know is to understand that they are totally normal and therefore should be treated as such.

For that, you need to have the best attitude and the greatest compression. As always, the idea is that you transmit to your child all the love you feel for him.

parental communication

Good communication between parents and children is extremely important. If you have children with Down syndrome, you should pay more attention to how you express yourself.

Children with this disorder usually take longer to acquire speech. Likewise, they may have language and communication problems. However, you shouldn’t despair. Try to be patient and find methods to understand your child effectively.

Interaction with siblings and other children

Mother and son

Children with Down syndrome have developmental stages that occur at different times. But that doesn’t determine how the interaction should be. Interacting with siblings or other children will make that child have a fuller and more satisfying development.

Also try to get her to relate to adults, especially those in her environment. Getting a child with Down syndrome to get in touch with others, share ideas, and communicate will make them feel good. At the same time, it will be a way for your inner circle to become familiar with the situation.

Attend conventional or special schools?

There is no impediment for a child with Down syndrome to attend a conventional school. In fact, it is advisable to achieve social integration with other children with the same alteration and without it. This will give you self-esteem, confidence and help to bond.

In the educational field, children with Down syndrome tend to have a different pace than other children in their class. However, this could be resolved with the help of the teacher and the mother and father at home. Don’t forget that these children experience the growth stages in a particular way.

The practice of different activities

Children with down syndrome benefit better if they practice different stimulating activities

We all have some talent or skill. Children with Down syndrome may develop a special ability to excel in certain areas. These children can perform any activity effectively. It’s just a matter of encouraging the practice of activities that make your child explore all of their abilities.

1. The arts

Painting, music, dancing, and other arts can be very helpful in developing the emotional intelligence of children with Down syndrome. If you have a child with this change, it is recommended that you enroll him in activities such as dancing, singing or acting. Your child will be able to let his imagination fly while being educated and learning.

2. Sports

Sports activities are also beneficial for children with Down syndrome. They help to improve your physical condition, teamwork and the achievement of achievements. Sports are very beneficial. Above all, those of short duration where there are frequent rests. Some of the most recommended sports are:

  • Swim
  • Soccer
  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Basketball
  • Table tennis
  • martial arts

3. The games

Every child needs recreation and entertainment for optimal development. It is important that children with Down syndrome have spaces for games and toys.

Through the games, you can teach anything you want and it will be a valuable tool to stimulate your child’s motivation.

Is it advisable to pay more attention to the diet of children with Down syndrome?

All children must be happy

Feeding in children with Down syndrome must be taken care of at all stages of growth.

Children who have this change, in general, take longer to learn to take breast milk or bottle while they are babies.

This will make you need patience and more stimulation for the child to adapt to their own way of feeding.

During childhood, it is crucial that the child has a balanced diet that includes all food groups. They may be prone to overweight problems due to their shorter stature, as their physical activity tends to be less than average.

The health of children with Down

A considerable percentage of children with Down syndrome may suffer from heart problems. An estimated 45% of these children suffer from the heart.

Likewise, children with Down syndrome tend to suffer from lung problems, so they catch colds easily.

Other health problems that are common among children with Down syndrome are hearing impairments. Visual anomalies such as cataracts, myopia or strabismus are also frequent.

Stomach illnesses can be recurrent because some babies are born with intestinal malformations.

Although they seem like many pathologies, there is nothing to worry about as they all have medical treatment. The main thing is prevention and care. Therefore, if you are a mother or father of a child with Down syndrome, it is recommended that you be very attentive to your child’s health and regularly consult your doctor.


Finally, there is nothing that a good dose of love cannot resolve. You just need to remember and apply each of these recommendations and that way you will ensure that your child has great growth and full development.

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