14 Exercises Ideal For Reducing The Waist

In order to have a shaped waist, it is very important to take care of your diet and avoid the consumption of sugars. Physical exercises will help us define the region and eliminate fat.

The fat love handles on the waist are actually a little nasty, and there’s no way you can look good in a bikini or one of those skintight dresses like that. Therefore, reducing the waist is an aesthetic necessity.

First of all, did you know that this fat is a result of sweets, beer and fast food ? All this excess calories were deposited in the form of fat in the tissues thickening your waist.

It’s definitely time to do something about it and we’ll help you! So get ready to learn about the 14 exercises that are ideal for reducing your waistline.

14 Exercises to reduce the waist

It’s true that we need to drink lots of water, eat at set times and eat healthy, but don’t be in doubt that exercise is essential to maintaining your image.

Here are 14 exercises that are sure to show you a perfect waist in just a few weeks. So, select a group of seven exercises for each day and warm up your body well before starting to avoid injury.

But above all, remember that you need to do these exercises regularly to achieve results and reduce your waistline. And always with comfortable shoes!


Abdominal exercises to reduce the waist

Exercise #1: Trunk Twists

  • Standing with your legs spread and your hands on your hips, twist your torso left and right with your back straight. Perform 30 reps.
  • Then place your arms at chest level with your fists clenched and twist slightly harder. Repeat 30 times.
  • Finally, in the same position as before, perform 30 twists, but this time stretching the corresponding arm to each side alternately.

Exercise #2: Side Twists

  • Standing with your legs spread and your hands behind your neck, do side-to-side twists 30 times.
  • In the same position, stretch your arms over your shoulders with your fingers interlocked, then let them fall to the side trying to touch the floor. Return to the starting position and make the same movement to the opposite side. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise #3: With a stick

First of all, you will need a medium stick to perform this exercise.

  • Place it behind your shoulders while supporting it with your hands at each end.
  • With legs spread, perform strong twists with a straight back to eliminate tires.
  • Repeat 50 times.

Exercise #4: Stick Side Twists

  • Standing with legs apart, hold the stick above your head in a horizontal position.
  • Then make side twists to each side supporting the stick. Repeat 50 times.

Exercise #5: Trunk Push-ups

  • Standing with your legs open and your hands on the back of your head, bend your body forward, trying to touch your toes and returning to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  • It doesn’t matter if you don’t make it on the first try, as your flexibility will increase over time.

Exercise #6: Trunk Push-ups

  • Do the same exercise as before, but this time with your legs wider apart, bend your torso and try to touch one ankle and then the other. Do 15 reps.

Exercise #7: Bent Leg Twists

  • Sitting with your legs bent and your back straight, perform twists with your arms at chest level. 50 reps.

This exercise is wonderful not only for the waist, but also for the abdomen.

Exercise #8: Cross-legged Twists

  • The position of the legs influences the work of the exercise, so this time it is necessary to sit with your legs crossed and your arms at chest level. Perform 50 twists keeping your back straight and your eyesight forward.

Exercise #9: Working the waist from the floor

  • First, lie on your side with your legs slightly bent.
  • Put your hands behind your neck and avoid taking them off. Then raise your torso laterally 15 times.
  • Then perform the same exercise, but this time lifting your bent legs sideways. 15 reps.
  • Finally, raise your torso laterally and both legs straight. 15 times.
  • Do the same exercises lying on the other side.

Exercise #10: Working the waist from the floor with the legs

  • Lying on your side, straighten your legs and place your floor-facing arm forward, well supported while the other is at the back of your head. Raise your torso laterally and your upper leg 15 times.
  • Repeat the exercise, but this time bend your leg laterally and raise it trying to touch the knee. 15 reps.
  • Then repeat the exercises on the other side.

Exercise #11: Abdominal-waist combination

  • Lie on your side with your legs slightly bent and twist your torso until your back is flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands behind your neck and raise your torso 15 times. This way you will be working your abdominal and waist muscles.
  • Wrap your legs to the opposite side and then repeat the exercises.

Exercise #12: Moving Your Legs

  • Lying on your stomach, with your hands on either side of your body, bend your legs slightly and twist them together from side to side without touching the floor 15 times. Rest for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Exercise #13: Another Combination

  • Lying on your back, with your hands resting on the back of your head, and your legs outstretched. Alternately bend your legs and raise your torso trying successively to touch your left and right knee. Do 15 reps. Rest for 5 seconds, then repeat the exercise.

Exercise #14: The Worm

  • Lie on the floor with your legs extended and place both hands on the back of your head (without supporting them so as not to damage the cervical vertebrae).
  • Raise your torso, moving your chest off the floor and returning to the starting position. That way, the higher you go, the more fat you burn to reduce your waistline. Perform 15 reps, rest 15 seconds and repeat.

To prevent…

Woman pulling her pants to reduce her waist

We hope this article has been helpful and, finally, here are some tips that will help prevent the accumulation of fat around the waist:

  • Avoid being overweight;
  • Limit your intake of foods high in sugars and fats;
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing that fits your hips as they tend to deform your body shape;
  • Dancing can help reduce your waistline.

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