What Is Our Body Saying When The Stomach Hurts?

If the stomach pain persists over time, it is important to seek a specialist in order to receive a proper diagnosis, as well as medical treatment according to our condition.
What is our body saying when the stomach hurts?

Stomachache? In medical terms it is known as epigastric pain, that is, colic that occurs above the navel and below the bust.

Experts do not consider it as something serious, however, millions of people a year seek a doctor because of it.

To begin with, it is necessary to learn to know our body and the signals it sends out, as there are many reasons why we can feel uncomfortable in the abdomen.

Don’t forget that the organism absorbs everything around it, from the material to the emotional.

So what is our body saying when our stomach hurts?

Possible Causes of Stomach Pain

food intolerance

Lactose Intolerance Can Trigger Upset Stomach

There are foods that after eating them produce discomfort, either immediately or after a couple of hours. For example, lactose or gluten.

In these cases, the pain remains for a long time, each time such foods are ingested. It is important for the person to identify the food in order to stop consuming it or, in any case, to replace it.

stress or hurt

The way in which our body reacts to different emotions, such as anger, hurt or stress, irreparably causes symptoms of abdominal pain.

The nervous and digestive systems are altered, and the body goes into a state of tension, causing diarrhea and inflammation in the intestines.

Also Read: 8 Signs That Your Bowel Is Sick

Junk food abuse 

Eating fatty foods can trigger stomach upset

Excessive  junk food  (fats, fizzy drinks or overuse of spicy foods) causes stomach pain, especially on the left side.

The malaise will continue until the food is digested. If digestion takes a long time, it is possible to feel nausea and vomiting.


In medical terms, indigestion is known as dyspepsia. This discomfort is located in the middle part of the stomach.

The pain is accompanied by acidity and gas, and appears during or after food intake.

It is estimated that between 5 to 11% of the population has indigestion problems due to alcohol abuse, overeating or overeating.


When the stomach hurts we can use a hot water bottle to relieve the symptoms.

Premenstrual syndrome is the set of physical and hormonal symptoms that alter the woman’s body. It is usually a pain in the lower part of the spine, although a large percentage also suffer from the stomach.

The annoyance can continue until the end of the cycle. Therefore, it is recommended to keep moving, eat healthy and get enough sleep.

stomach infection

How to identify an infection? This is caused by parasites, bacteria or viruses found in food.

Symptoms depend on the type of microorganism. They can range from a burning sensation to pain, tiredness, lack of appetite and even fever.

Even though there are natural remedies to fight the disease, it is important to see a doctor if the pain persists.


When the stomach hurts we feel unwell

A hurried lifestyle, in which the body is subjected to excessive stress, a diet low in fiber and lacking in fluids, can lead to constipation.

The solution is to change the sedentary lifestyle by  performing physical activity and adding cereals, vegetables and at least two liters of water to food.

If the problem persists, the doctor may prescribe laxatives.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER)

This disease appears due to an alteration in gastric juices, these rise from the stomach to the esophagus and cause burning and severe pain in the stomach and throat.

How to treat?

Effects by drug

It is very important to read the side effects after taking any medication, as many of them cause abdominal pain.

Its compounds can alter the esophagus and cause inflammation.

  • Excessive acid in the digestive tract wears down the inner wall of the stomach, causing pain, and there are even cases where high doses produce stomach ulcers.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the body’s alerts. The causes of stomach pain can be innumerable, ranging from a simple temporal discomfort to severe ulcers.

There are diseases that can be cured with natural remedies or antibiotics and others that need surgical intervention. If you experience unusual pain, have no doubts and see a doctor.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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