5 Tips For Healthy Kidneys

The consumption of water is essential to keep our kidneys healthy, as it helps to eliminate excess toxins and, in addition, keeps us hydrated.
5 tips for healthy kidneys

We’ve all heard how important it is to keep our kidneys healthy, but do you know why they’re important?

The kidneys are the organs in charge of filtering, absorbing and reabsorbing water, salts and ions in our body.

Because they  are responsible for removing toxic waste from the blood, they are considered the most important organs of the urinary system.

Now that you know its importance and understand how essential it is to have healthy kidneys, read and follow this advice:

1. Eat a healthy diet 

Avoid fats if you want to keep your kidneys healthy

Excessive consumption of foods high in fats and sugars makes our kidneys work harder, as these foods overload the body with toxins.

The result of this accumulation of toxins is that your kidneys must work harder than usual to keep your system clean.

It is also important to keep track of your cholesterol levels.

People with high cholesterol often have kidney problems (and major complications if they already have kidney failure).

Remember that high cholesterol is related to eating foods high in saturated fats, such as those found in fast food .

Therefore, it is very important that if you want to have healthy kidneys, you maintain a diet free of these foods.

Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and good fats. Your kidneys will thank you.

Also Read: 9 Signs That Indicate Toxin Overload

2. Avoid taking as much medication and drugs as possible 

  • Excessive consumption of over-the-counter medications can be harmful to the health of your kidneys.

The excess of anti-inflammatory and analgesics causes kidney damage, in addition to other consequences that can become irreversible.

If you are one of those people who whenever you feel discomfort ask your doctor for medication, you should consider that by doing this your kidneys will do extra work to eliminate the excess.

  • Drugs, legal or not, cause many problems to the kidneys and other organs. This is because they contain toxins that, when entering our body, cause changes without contributing anything.

Keep in mind that some cause serious illnesses, such as stomach cancer or lung cancer.

We’re not saying never to take a drug again or to shy away from a good beer occasionally.

3. Avoid too much salt in your diet 

Avoid salt intake if you want to have healthy kidneys

Salt is a basic ingredient found in just about everything we cook. However, this does not mean that you should overindulge in your consumption, as this can prevent you from keeping your kidneys healthy.

In fact, it’s all the other way around: as it’s found in everything we eat, you should be more careful not to overindulge.

When you add too much salt to your diet, it forces your kidneys to overwork. If the amount you consume is greater than what you can get rid of, kidney stones will soon appear.

But how to minimize salt intake? The reality is, it’s not as easy as just cutting down on the salt you cook with. This is the first part and possibly the simplest.

The tricky thing is to limit the consumption of foods with high salt content, such as:

  • fast food
  • Soft drinks
  • Frozen food

Ideally, everything you consume is prepared by yourself. If this is not possible because of your lifestyle, at least include enough green leafy vegetables and natural water.

4. Hydrate properly 

Healthy infusion to maintain kidney health


Because the kidneys are responsible for purifying your body through urine, they require a good consumption of fluids, especially water.

The vast majority of kidney problems are the product of dehydration. 

However, there are many people who get bored with drinking water. If that’s the case, we recommend that you include two or three glasses of a healthy drink a day, such as Jamaica flower water.

The rest of the recommended two liters of water per day should be completely natural and simple.

If you live in a warm place or do a lot of physical activity, you may need to increase your hydration a little to recover the fluids lost through sweat and have healthy kidneys.

Visit this article: Fight kidney stones with ginger and turmeric tea

5. Moderate your protein and dairy intake for healthy kidneys  

The body is a gear in which any excess can cause severe problems.

The abuse of proteins and milk is associated with the appearance of kidney stones and difficulties in having healthy kidneys.

  • Kidney stones or stones are created when the kidneys accumulate too much waste calcium, oxalate, and phosphorus.
  • If the stone is small, it can be treated to decompose or be expelled through the urinary tract. If its size is larger than the urinary tract, a surgical operation is usually necessary.

Ideally, you should consume a maximum of two glasses of milk or 40 grams of cheese a day. It is also recommended that the proteins you consume are mostly vegetables.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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