Drink That Helps Control Cholesterol And Burn Fat

Discover the recipe for a drink made with everyday ingredients, which will help you control cholesterol and burn fat at the same time.
Drink that helps control cholesterol and burn fat

When our bodies accumulate bad cholesterol in the bloodstream, we are at high risk for obstructed arterial problems and cardiovascular damage. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about a drink that helps control cholesterol and burn fat.

If it is a fact that our body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to be able to perform its functions normally, it is certain that we often exceed our consumption of cholesterol and can cause it to accumulate in our arteries.

When a person is diagnosed with a high cholesterol level, it is important that they start to take care of their diet and reduce their consumption of fats and other foods rich in this component.

A healthy diet is the key to controlling bad cholesterol, decreasing its health risk.

Fortunately, in addition to diet, there are also other natural remedies that can help lower cholesterol levels effectively, while offering other important benefits such as fat burning and weight loss.

Controlling cholesterol: know the benefits of this natural recipe?

Vitamin with parsley to control cholesterol

In this article, the home remedy we will be sharing with you is a lemon and parsley drink. As many of us already know, both are ingredients with numerous health properties.

Benefits of parsley

Parsley is a highly known food in kitchens around the world, as it is very versatile and can be used in many recipes.

However, in addition to its use in gastronomy, parsley is also famous for its diuretic properties, capable of eliminating excess water from the body, as well as a large amount of toxins that can affect health.

The main advantages of consuming parsley are due to its high content of essential oils and flavonoids, which are responsible for providing great benefits to the body, both internally and externally.

In addition, parsley contains important amounts of vitamin C, A and K, which are essential for a strong immune system and a body free from infection and disease.

Regular consumption of parsley helps to remove toxins from the bloodstream, while fighting cholesterol and stimulating circulation. For this reason, this ingredient is very powerful in improving blood vessel health and preventing cardiovascular problems.

Lemon Benefits

Lemon's functionality to control cholesterol

Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, antioxidants and natural essential oils, lemon is another great ally for cleaning the arteries and controlling cholesterol. Lemon prevents cholesterol from settling on arterial walls and encourages its elimination so that it does not affect circulation.

Its antioxidants make it a great ally to fight free radicals, eliminate liquids retained in the body and all those toxins that can affect health. In fact, consuming lemon juice also encourages fat burning and weight loss.

How to prepare this drink to control cholesterol?

By mixing the benefits of parsley with those of lemon, we will prepare a powerful drink capable of regulating blood cholesterol levels and preventing disease.

In addition, its consumption can also encourage weight loss, fight fluid retention, improve kidney health and prevent premature aging caused by free radicals.


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 kg of lemons
  • A little baking soda

How to prepare it?

  • When you go to the market, always choose organic lemons, to make sure they don’t contain pesticide and chemical residues. If this is not possible, wash the lemons well with baking soda dissolved in water to disinfect them.
  • Once the lemons are washed, cut them into slices and set aside
  • Bring the water to a boil. When cool, add the lemons and finely chopped parsley.
  • Cover the mixture tightly and store in the refrigerator.
  • Finally, mix just before consuming and drink about 100ml every day.

We recommend drinking this drink on an empty stomach, to make the most of all its benefits for the rest of the day. For good results, it is important to consume it frequently, at least until you notice a reduction in your cholesterol level.

Keep in mind that your results will also depend heavily on the type of diet and lifestyle you adopt to lower cholesterol. Improve your diet as much as possible and avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and having a sedentary life.

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