Natural Remedies For Cracked Heels

To moisturize your heels, you can apply olive oil and some natural elements with beneficial properties to them. Discover other alternatives to complement the treatment indicated by your dermatologist.
Natural Remedies for Cracked Heels

During summer and winter do your heels often get cracked? This could be a sign that you are not taking care of them enough. However, there are some natural alternatives that can alleviate this problem.

Cracked heels are unattractive and in some cases can even bleed and cause infection and extreme pain. The good news is that you can handle them easily. First, it is best to consult a dermatologist. Also, you can resort to some everyday elements.

Lack of moisture, strong soaps, dehydration, continual exposure to water, overweight, and inappropriate footwear are some of the most common causes of cracked heels.

The Institut Catalá del Peu details that some of the signs and symptoms of foot cracks are red, scaly patches, peeling skin and itching.

Before the appearance of this or any other skin problem, it is best to first consult a dermatologist to avoid further complications. Then, with his approval and without failing to follow the treatment indicated by him, you can use the following natural alternatives.

Olive oil

Discover some natural remedies for cracked heels
Olive oil can be very effective in treating cracked heels.

Extra virgin olive oil applied to the skin can be useful to relieve the symptoms of some skin conditions, as pointed out by the Medline Plus portal . This same source classifies its use as probably safe. Despite this, its use is generally recommended in conjunction with other ingredients.

In turn, the company World Dermic , dedicated to making scientific advances in skin care, states in a publication that  the moisturizing and healing effects of this liquid are real. In any case, it is best to consult a dermatologist before resorting to him.

A traditional medicine recipe (not scientifically proven) suggests mixing olive oil with a moisturizer and a few drops of lavender oil to help relax not just the feet, but the body in general. Massage the mixture into your feet and cover with socks when finished.

Warm water

According to expert medical sources, another alternative that can help treat cracked heels is to put your feet in warm water with a few drops of liquid soap.

Soak your feet in water for 20 minutes to hydrate them. After this time, dry them and apply a moisturizing cream.


As details a scholarly article, the  lemon is a natural element widely used to combat various skin problems, including problems related to dryness.

Lemon juice has many uses in the field of aesthetics and skin health. Thanks to its action as a cell regenerator, it can help treat cracked heels.

Traditional medicine advises that you should soak your feet for a few minutes in a mixture of lemon juice and warm water. Then you should rub them gently with the help of a brush or pumice stone. After washing and drying your feet completely, apply a little moisturizer.

Remember that this is just a popular prescription and is not medically supported. Therefore, it cannot replace the treatment indicated by a professional.

Honey: Another great option for treating cracked heels

Discover natural remedies for cracked heels
The anti-inflammatory properties of honey can help treat cracked heels.

Another traditional method is to soak your feet in warm water with honey for ten minutes. This will help prevent your feet from drying out and keep them always soft. 

According to scientific studies, these benefits are due to the healing, anti-inflammatory and nutritional properties they attribute to honey.

According to traditional medicine, another option for treating cracked heels is a natural exfoliation with honey, apple cider vinegar and rice flour. To do this, you must mix these ingredients well until you get a paste and use it to massage your feet. Then remove it with warm water.

Finally, remember that medical treatment will always be the best option for treating cracked heels and that it may take some time for you to recover.

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