Hiatal Hernia: Natural Remedies For Its Treatment

We can prevent the symptoms of hiatal hernia with foods rich in flavonoids and by reducing the consumption of acidifying foods such as salt, fried foods or dairy products.
Hiatal Hernia: Natural Remedies for Its Treatment

In hiatal hernia, a part of the stomach presses toward the chest area or diaphragm, as reported by the Mayo Clinic. This can also produce gastroesophageal reflux.

Changing some customs, we can see many improvements. It is important to take care of the hiatal hernia with the prescribed medical treatment so that it does not worsen in the future and cause more serious health problems.

Acidity and hiatus hernia

Hiatal hernia may be linked to excess gastric acidity, according to this study on the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease carried out by the Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid). We can combat it by avoiding acidifying foods  (such as salt, sugars, fried foods, animal proteins, dairy products) and instead regularly consuming  alkaline foods rich in flavonoids :

  • figs
  • Red fruits
  • Grape
  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Turnip
Alkaline foods against hiatus hernia

To sweeten it, we can substitute sugars for stevia or  agave syrup.

An acidified organism is the ideal breeding ground for all types of pathogens ; therefore, hernia and hiatal acidity are actually the warning signs that something could go wrong.

Bicarbonated hot springs

A very nice way to remove acidity from the body is to  drink soda water, according to the US National Library of Medicine, and bathe in a soda hot springs. Each spa has a water type with specific characteristics, so we need to find out what bicarbonates are. Sea water is also alkalizing.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this last practice.

Regeneration of the digestive mucosa

People with hiatal hernia can experience irritation of the entire digestive lining due to continuous acid reflux. If that’s the case, we can take  liquid organic silicon daily, which, according to this study by the Complutense University of Madrid, is neuro and hepatoprotective.

However, we must first consult a doctor.

The following foods and supplements also benefit the mucosa:

  • Vitamin C: According to this study by the Spanish Center for Food and Nutrition, it is very well absorbed by the mucosa.
  • Aloe Vera: This is what this research carried out by the University of Poznan says.
  • Flaxseeds soaked in water: Flaxseed, according to this study by the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil), does not damage the intestinal mucosa.
  • Plantain (Plantago major): As stated in this research carried out by the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia).
Carrot Juice

Digestion starts in the mouth

Healthy eating is only achieved with the proper assimilation of nutrients and, for this, it  is essential to chew food well.  We should swallow them when they are completely crushed and mixed with saliva.

Saliva contains digestive enzymes that help the stomach not strain too hard. People with hiatus hernia tend to chew little,  and in these cases, the stomach rejects food through gastric reflux. This is what this research carried out by the Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany Military Teaching Hospital (Cuba) affirms.

As Gandhi said, 

To do it correctly, we can try to eat consciously, avoiding many stimuli (important conversations, television, etc.).

an ancient medicine

In the past, it was recommended to make  a novena  (nine days), drinking the juice preparation of a quarter of a large raw potato (approximately a quarter or a third of a cup) well washed and peeled, mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil. extra virgin olive.

However, there is no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness, so it is best to consult a doctor first.

Other tips

Some of these tips will alleviate the discomfort caused by a hiatal hernia:

  • Avoid smoking as this helps to irritate the esophagus. In fact, this study carried out by the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid) relates this habit to the appearance of peptic ulcers.
  • Check with your doctor if you are taking any medications. This could be important.
  • It’s best not to strain your stomach and eat frequent, small meals.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that are too cold or too hot.
  • It is not convenient to drink water with a meal. Preferably, we will do this up to an hour before or after digestion.
  • At meals, we will eat raw and natural foods first and then cooked foods.

Images courtesy of Food Thinkers

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