Why Does Belly Fat Accumulate And How To Eliminate It?

In addition to monitoring our diet, if we have a lot of fat located in the belly, we must evaluate other aspects that may also be influencing the situation without us noticing.
Why does fat accumulate in the belly and how to eliminate it?

Many people have fat located in the belly, whether or not they are overweight, and for them it is very difficult to eliminate it even through diets and treatments of all kinds. Find out why fat accumulates in the belly and how to get rid of it.

If you’ve tried a lot of things but can’t get rid of the fat that builds up in your belly, chances are you’re making misdirected efforts and the solution isn’t too complicated.

Know some issues that may be causing an increase in belly fat, such as a protein deficit, hormonal changes, lack of exercise of a certain intensity or poor posture.

Why does fat accumulate in the belly?

Fat accumulates in the belly

When we talk about overweight, we understand that the person has an excess of fat. However, there may also be fluid retention in certain parts of the body such as: abdomen, thighs, arms, back, buttocks, etc.

However, one of the most common problems is the  fat that accumulates in the belly. It is very common in both men and women over a certain age.

There are even very thin people who suffer from it and cannot eliminate it, despite losing weight easily in other parts of the body.

Find out why this might be happening.

Unbalanced feeding

Foods to fight fat accumulates in the belly

When we ask ourselves why we have belly fat and how we can get rid of it, we often think that we should cut down on our calorie intake.

However, the idea that we should choose better foods, which are of higher quality and less processed, rather than reducing the intake of fat and calories , is increasingly popular .

A balanced diet, which helps us reduce the fat that accumulates in the waist, should follow the following recommendations:

  • Each of the three main meals should contain a serving of protein. You can alternate between animal protein (preferably organic) and vegetable (vegetables, oilseeds, avocado).
  • Opt for whole grains and avoid refined ones.
  • Eliminate white sugar from the diet and consume moderate amounts of honey, molasses, brown sugar, etc.
  • Avoid processed and hydrogenated fats present in fried foods, margarines or jams, and increase the consumption of healthy fats, present in high quality cold-pressed vegetable oils (olive, coconut, sesame, flaxseed), avocado, oilseeds, seeds, fatty fish and butter, or ghee.

food intolerances

There are people who suffer from a food intolerance and yet they don’t know it. This problem causes them discomfort, such as swelling in the abdominal region, in addition to digestive disorders.

If we suspect that this may be our case, there are different types of tests that can confirm the problem. The most common intolerances are gluten and lactose.

Sedentary lifestyle

Exercises against belly fat

Exercise is essential for having a balanced weight. However, especially to thin the waist, since sedentary lifestyle causes a progressive accumulation of fat throughout the abdominal region.

The most suitable exercises are cardiovascular of medium or high intensity. It is enough to have two to three half-hour sessions per week.

hormonal changes

Hormonal changes also cause an accumulation of fat around the waist. It happens mainly in women who go through the climacteric and menopause. However, young women with high estrogen levels can also have the problem.

The balanced diet we discussed is also the key to regulating hormones, as well as some specific supplements, such as maca or yam.

For menopausal women it can also be very beneficial to use evening primrose oil.

Some hormonal disorders also disappear over time, as the body can rebalance itself naturally.

a bad posture

Sometimes none of these problems seem to be related to our case. So  we should also look at whether the fat around the waist could have something to do with poor posture.

Many people who suffer from spinal deviations, such as lordosis or scoliosis, also have excess fat on their sides. In these cases, it may be that the body’s natural intelligence is at work to help us maintain balance.

The solution, in this case, is postural re-education exercises that help us relax, flex and strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen, as well as the help of a massage therapist or realignment therapist, such as professionals who work with Rolfing.

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